Just In
for The Executioner and The Marshal

10/12/2014 c10 1throneofsunandsnow
Greta story
5/12/2010 c10 8VogueOn
Very tense for a moment then, glad she didn't die, and I guess that's the closest Guy will ever get to praise from the sheriff
5/9/2010 c8 VogueOn

Is she to be his ticket out of the dungeon, will Guy come back in time?

Can't wait to find out!
5/4/2010 c6 VogueOn
Wonder what Catrine was going to do before Guy got too angry and also if he did indeed have help!
4/29/2010 c5 VogueOn
Great chao, love Catrine drunk, ooh dear angry Guy
4/26/2010 c4 VogueOn
Clever way of knowing it was the right man, hopefully the sheriff will be more pleased with guy
4/24/2010 c2 VogueOn
Poor Guy getting shouted at, loved the scene between him and Catrine
4/22/2010 c1 VogueOn
Interesting plot

Liked the chapter and would love more!

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