Just In
for Family wake up call!

12/24/2017 c2 trish38
Great fanfic. But...MORE CHAPTERS PLEASE!
2/22/2017 c2 walmar
Looking good, love little Tracey stories, hope there is more
5/22/2014 c2 cait94
Would like to read the chapter about the beach trip
7/1/2013 c2 6BellaDonna Todd of Hyrule
please carry on. I want to see what the rest of Alan's brothers will do. Great story.
3/11/2013 c2 StarSearcher13
More chapters please
2/1/2013 c2 Guest
more chapters please
12/6/2012 c2 Guest
more chapters please
11/30/2012 c2 Guest
come on write more
11/5/2012 c2 Guest
more chapters please
9/4/2012 c2 128lederra
I loved this chapter. Alan's reaction brought to mind an incident with two of my nephews except they didn't scream when they saw a spider one day crawling on the floor, the youngest one ate it.
9/4/2012 c1 lederra
This is sweet and Jeffs reaction to finding his youngest missing from his bed was perfectly normal, most parents react that way.
5/1/2012 c2 emilyjayden101
Dieing to know whats going to happen when the family hears alan screaming! Please update more soon! I really want to know how the families going to react to their babies frighten scream! :)
3/25/2012 c2 2Emilyjayden101
Boy are the other Tracys going to freak out when they hear Alan scream. I know you haven't updated in a long time, but I would really appreciate it if you at least did 1 more chapter. Dieing to know how the other Tracys are going to react especially Scott and Jeff. Hope to read more soon! : :
2/3/2012 c2 Emilyjayden101
Alans scream is going to give all the boys heart attacks, exspecially Scott, John and Jeff. Dieing to find out how they react. Please update more super soon! :)
10/24/2011 c2 6TBMom
You have a good story going, but unfinished stories NEVER make faorites list! Please finish.
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