4/26/2010 c3 1Seto K4iba1
Sesshoumaru ate his words in the form of a knuckle sandwich. :)
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Sesshoumaru ate his words in the form of a knuckle sandwich. :)
Looking forward to the next chapter.
4/26/2010 c3 24God of Insanity
Boy, to punch someone when they're sick. The nerve! lol. Get him, Sesshoumaru!
Anywhos, this story is interesting so far. Keep at it. First stories can be tough, but it's all a matter of endurance and perseverance.
Boy, to punch someone when they're sick. The nerve! lol. Get him, Sesshoumaru!
Anywhos, this story is interesting so far. Keep at it. First stories can be tough, but it's all a matter of endurance and perseverance.
4/26/2010 c3 itnolongerexists
Ahaha, ouch! Bet that one hurt, eh Sesshomaru? Ah, well. Maybe Inuyasha will see that his brother is hurt and take care of him. ;D
Ahaha, ouch! Bet that one hurt, eh Sesshomaru? Ah, well. Maybe Inuyasha will see that his brother is hurt and take care of him. ;D
4/26/2010 c3 2VampireDoll666
I was all happy and smiling through the whole chappie then I read the end and I'm like OUCH! *smiles* Damn Yasha did you have to hit Sesshy so hard. *runs to Sesshomaru, and sees if he's alright* Damn even I saw that one coming, I also see a SIT in Inuyasha's future. Thanks for the update, can't wait to see Rin hit Yasha for hitting her beloved Lord. *grins*
I was all happy and smiling through the whole chappie then I read the end and I'm like OUCH! *smiles* Damn Yasha did you have to hit Sesshy so hard. *runs to Sesshomaru, and sees if he's alright* Damn even I saw that one coming, I also see a SIT in Inuyasha's future. Thanks for the update, can't wait to see Rin hit Yasha for hitting her beloved Lord. *grins*
4/25/2010 c2 1Seto K4iba1
This looks like an interesting fic. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.
This looks like an interesting fic. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.
4/25/2010 c2 TheEmptyArchive
I don't think it's crappy, don't worry about that.
I actually think you're doing a rather good job with it. Rin was adorable in the first chapter, and Jaken was hilarious.
I also think you've done really well keeping all the characters in-character. It was particularly nice to read Sesshoumaru IC, but still get to see from his thoughts that he does indeed enjoy watching Rin run around in the field, and that he still takes the flowers from her even if it bothers his nose.
I'm finding it an interesting story so far, and I look forward to reading more.
I don't think it's crappy, don't worry about that.
I actually think you're doing a rather good job with it. Rin was adorable in the first chapter, and Jaken was hilarious.
I also think you've done really well keeping all the characters in-character. It was particularly nice to read Sesshoumaru IC, but still get to see from his thoughts that he does indeed enjoy watching Rin run around in the field, and that he still takes the flowers from her even if it bothers his nose.
I'm finding it an interesting story so far, and I look forward to reading more.
4/24/2010 c2 itnolongerexists
Hey, don't worry about it being bad, it's not (first fic or not). Alright, I dig this. Haha, I've never liked Rin, damn her and her flowers for making Sesshomaru sick! So yeah, I'll be keeping an eye on this
Hey, don't worry about it being bad, it's not (first fic or not). Alright, I dig this. Haha, I've never liked Rin, damn her and her flowers for making Sesshomaru sick! So yeah, I'll be keeping an eye on this
4/24/2010 c2 2VampireDoll666
Crappy, I like this already and it's only 2 chappies! *smiles* It's about time we get another fic where it's Sesshomaru that is in need of help, it's ALWAYS Inuyasha! Can't wait to see what happens next! *grins*
Crappy, I like this already and it's only 2 chappies! *smiles* It's about time we get another fic where it's Sesshomaru that is in need of help, it's ALWAYS Inuyasha! Can't wait to see what happens next! *grins*