Just In
for Another Thing to Thank For

4/5/2013 c1 AccountKiller1111
No, it wasn't that bad. I liked it. Good job! :)
10/14/2011 c1 15kimbari
You can't have too many stories about this subject... Or Avatar for that matter. Well done.
9/27/2010 c1 28broadhands
Shows a light, delicate touch for the characters. Nice treatment - you should write more. Practice makes perfect.
8/11/2010 c1 c2ruis
i always wonder if she ever told him about that night i think you hit it on the money good story
6/12/2010 c1 dan
Great story, thanks for writting it.
5/2/2010 c1 MeakoXIII
That was your first time writing in English? I couldn't tell. It was a good story with believable reactions from both Jake and Neytiri. I liked it :)
4/30/2010 c1 3SGT.CJC
Wow great short! And a rather good attempt if I may say so. You have proven braver than I thus far as I may no write anything 'till after my exams are finished (two months away) And I'm slow at writing on a good day.
All in all very well done. Especially for a first attempt in English (some say it is the hardest). I see no spelling mistakes or anything of the sort so as I say, Very very well done.
You captured the characters well and had the emotions well described. My hat comes off to you. 10/10 two thumbs up and a great big cheesy smile.
Oel ngati kame (I see you)(in Na'vi)
4/29/2010 c1 15Limxuxu09
Hello! I love your work! I think you were able to capture Jake's and Neytiri's personality... Keep it up! :)
4/28/2010 c1 6JustAGirl24
Really nice little read, I never would have guessed English was your second language! You did a great job exploring the characters' feelings given the circumstances. Keep up the great work!
4/28/2010 c1 Kirajenlove
I really liked this! Short and sweet! I also like Jake/Neytiri shipper fics!
I also would never have been able to tell that you weren't a native speaker of English. You did very well!
4/25/2010 c1 Codeless Enigma
Excellent, your English rivals that of many native speakers, myself included.
4/25/2010 c1 Don't Call Me Jenny
I never would have known that you weren't a native english speaker if you hadn't said anything. Your writing was excellent. Sweet story, I liked it.
4/25/2010 c1 nanoks
Good story! Nice insight into the movie and pov...

great job:)
4/25/2010 c1 1Jarvey
Well done! You carried the voices of the characters well, and the dialogue flowed smoothly.
4/25/2010 c1 7Jack Hawthorne
He-hey! I'd say this is brilliant for a first try. :P Not only is your grammar far better than I would expect from a first-timer, the story itself is rather good too. I don't think I've read any story that simalar either, so you get even more plus-points for originality. ^^

All in all, a very enjoyable read. ^^
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