Just In
for For Music Can Make Even an Apocalypse Beautiful

11/21/2020 c1 88tmtcltb-kals
I loved this! It was wonderful and terrible and so chilling. The pragmatic way that our narrator talks about both the mundane parts of his day and the end of a civilization was so well done. I can see why he hates his job.
1/15/2013 c1 cklammer
That is funny but also sort of cold ... I liked it.
8/9/2011 c1 stark40763
So, I suppose didn't find it strange that the 12 planets were full of Humans, and that they had names similar to the 12 main constellations? Not to mention that they were searching for Earth of all places...

Then again, I suppose if someone is in a job they hate, that they aren't going to put too much effort into it are they? Though I have a feeling he won't be in it for much longer...
6/23/2010 c1 5Lucifer1974
I really enjoyed the story, I loved the idea of Maddox's job and loved the song you suggested. Thanks
4/28/2010 c1 MrsEgonSpengler
Very well written fic which shows how easily we can anaesthetise ourselves to horror and tragedy,
4/27/2010 c1 3jetsly
J. Maddox is a man after my own heart. When you study the rise and fall of civilizations, and especially when you watch them commit the same fatal mistakes over and over again, your choices boil down to laughter or tears. It's better to laugh. Now awaiting the report from the Migration department!
4/27/2010 c1 9The Breeze
Well, that was cheerful!

Do we get a sequel from the Migration Department? That would be interesting if they tied the 3 holocausts together.

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