Just In
for Ten Truths of Life

7/14/2010 c1 5alwaysthinkingofyou
this was cute! and creative. good job! (:
5/15/2010 c1 11stopthisgirl
i liked it. it was meaningful and deep. great job!
4/28/2010 c1 33Everafterjunkie

How dare you! I always reviewed ... Wow, this did suck!
JUST KIDDING! :P Man, I bet you saw the just kidding bit first now so I ruined it! You shoulda called this 'inevitable' :P I really liked it! :D:D Especially the cheating one for Chad at the beginning! I really liked the use of underlining and bolding, it makes it seems a lot more meaningful. My fave one was ... LOVE and ... INEVITABLE xDxD You should do more one-shots! :D:D

Love you (in a creepy way :P) Abbie :D
4/28/2010 c1 29pearlchavez
It definitely didn't suck! One of the best oneshots I have ever read on this website. Very subtle too.
4/27/2010 c1 3Music-Luvr4296
You're right, it is different from what you usually do :) But I really liked it!
4/27/2010 c1 30WhimsicalWonderland
IT SUCKED. Nah, just kidding. Great work :)
4/27/2010 c1 16Dr. Ro
That was different
but I loveloveloved it!
It ended perfectly, and without any *dissapointment*
Peace out girl scout!

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