Just In
for The Darkness Within:The Rewrite

6/19/2022 c23 4Leapyearbaby29
I really hope Harry starts believing.
6/19/2022 c22 Leapyearbaby29
I was about to say, Draco knows who Harry is so someone had to tell Snape. Love that Harry’s in Gryffindor. I hope he’s rehabilitated.
6/19/2022 c21 Leapyearbaby29
Harry’s slowly melting.
6/19/2022 c20 Leapyearbaby29
Damn. Damien is taking this relatively well. Also Damien Potter runs off the tongue very well. I’m guessing his middle name is Harry? Damien Harry Potter?
6/19/2022 c19 Leapyearbaby29
Uh oh. This isn’t good. The twins and Damien have arrived. And Ginny was saved by Harry! So, I hope they fall in love. Eventually. Lol.
6/19/2022 c18 Leapyearbaby29
James and Lily should’ve used Vertiaserum in themselves and told Harry everything!
6/19/2022 c17 Leapyearbaby29
They need to use Veriatserum!
6/19/2022 c16 Leapyearbaby29
So Harry hates Death Eaters? I’m so confused. Does Voldemort know Harry saves people who’ve been tortured by his faithful followers?
6/19/2022 c15 Leapyearbaby29
James got to Harry!
6/19/2022 c14 Leapyearbaby29
I really hope Harry hears James out. Wtf did Voldemort do to make Harry think James doesn’t care about him?!
6/19/2022 c13 Leapyearbaby29
James should’ve put himself under Veriatserum.
6/19/2022 c12 Leapyearbaby29
Ooh boy.
6/19/2022 c11 Leapyearbaby29
Yeah, you’ll figure out it’s your son. How did Harry not state his full name? Was he trained to like resister the Veriatserum?
6/19/2022 c10 Leapyearbaby29
Does Voldemort actually care about Harry?
6/19/2022 c9 Leapyearbaby29
Uh oh.
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