Just In
for The Darkness Within:The Rewrite

5/13/2010 c5 Legend3881
not really sure whats is different from the old version. Are you planning on making this more of lily's perspective? Anyway you are good writer as evident from the popularity of your stories, you should consider starting a new series, may a wrong boy who lived series or a twin who lived. The Dark Prince Trilogy is very good, one of the best, but the trilogy concluded. It would be a waste of your talent to not branch out or start a new story. This is just my opinion, hope you would consider it. Later
5/13/2010 c5 MissDEEinsanelyME
loveddd it...
5/13/2010 c5 1I-Love-Trunks1
I love this story so much!

Cant wait for more!
5/13/2010 c5 The French Dark Lord
This is real exiting, good to be back with the Dark Prince! ^^
5/13/2010 c5 Saffygirl
Awesome chapter!

Can't wait for the next update!
5/13/2010 c5 WETBOY

I looked at your Original and in that the chapter is called A revelation and this chapter is called An Assignment, Overall a great read!

5/12/2010 c4 Shaggy37
Outstanding Rewrite Beginning! I can't wait to see more! Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please!:):):):)
5/12/2010 c4 The French Dark Lord
I'm so gonna enjoys this!
5/12/2010 c4 Saffygirl
Awesome chapter!

Can't wait for the next update!
5/12/2010 c4 MissDEEinsanelyME
good chpater
5/12/2010 c4 49Smoochynose
I love dark Harry.
5/12/2010 c4 WETBOY

When you started the rewrite I've been compering these first four chapters to the original ones and I can see what parts you've been changeing and it's all good.

Are you keeping the original up or that your rewriting it are you going to delete the original...I HOPE YOU DON'T!

keep up the good work!
5/12/2010 c4 1I-Love-Trunks1
I love this story so much!

Cant wait for more!
5/12/2010 c4 4David Fishwick
I liked how you wrote the relationship between Harry and Voldemort in this chapter. Please update soon thanks as I am enjoying the story.
5/12/2010 c4 26Fenice Eycritreau
This one hasn't changed much, has it ? Anyway it is a good read. Their relation is genuine and... interesting. How Harry could forget about it later, only because he gets convinced it has relied on a bad lie.
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