Just In
for The Darkness Within:The Rewrite

5/11/2010 c3 JWOHPfan
I agree with Moody and Sirius, as long as they are killing death eaters, who care who they are(even though "we" know who it is)!
5/11/2010 c3 1I-Love-Trunks1
I really love this story!

Cant wait for more!
5/11/2010 c3 MissDEEinsanelyME
i read the the darkness within about 100x so im looking foward to reading this the chapter was good
5/11/2010 c3 Saffygirl
Wow... it's kinda weird reading short chapters again, lol

Awesome chapter!

Can't wait for the next update!
5/11/2010 c3 26Fenice Eycritreau
I love the details you give in Lily and James relations. I don't remenber if they already were as plenty in the initial shot, but it makes them so believable, so lively, so closed to us poor muggles... thanks ;-)
5/11/2010 c3 3doRodrigo
Good chapter but a little on the small side... Keep up the great work and updates.
5/11/2010 c3 Lai
Brill! Thanks. Wow, this story is even better than I remember. I think I may have to re-read the non revised version while waiting for updates of this one!
5/11/2010 c3 WETBOY

Are you just working on this rewrite for the time being or will you be updateing the reader's choice stories aswell?

5/11/2010 c3 4David Fishwick
I am enjoying the rewrite of your story and please update soon thanks as this story is good. Thanks for updating.
5/11/2010 c2 26Fenice Eycritreau
I really hesitated before clicking on a rewrite. I loved dearly your story the first time around and doubted it needed rewriting. But I am taken all the same. I think it is in fact even better than in my memory... and I decided to share this thought with you.
5/10/2010 c2 Ale
Liked it (:
5/10/2010 c2 1I-Love-Trunks1
I really love this story!

Cant wait for more!
5/10/2010 c2 3doRodrigo
Cool... Update it soon please.
5/10/2010 c2 49Smoochynose
I love this story. The characterisations are brilliant and Damy, although an OC, isn't shallow and cardboard like most OCs.
5/10/2010 c2 The French Dark Lord
Oh yeah this is gonna be great!
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