Just In
for The Darkness Within:The Rewrite

5/10/2010 c2 WETBOY

How come your rewriting this story and are you rewriting the other 2 or just this one!

5/10/2010 c2 4David Fishwick
Thanks for updating your excellent story and I hope there is more on the way. I liked how you wrote Lily Potter thinking over Harry's disappearance.
5/10/2010 c2 Saffygirl
Awesome chapter!

Can't wait for the next update!
5/10/2010 c1 1tinkita
Please update soon! I would really like to see what you will make out of the Rewrite
5/10/2010 c1 6battousai-clau
I Love the idea of a rewrite.. it's going to give me the excitement of reading and waiting for chapters all over again! jajaja I missed that feeling!

well... the real point xD... I think its great that you want to do this... your writing evolve so much through the other fics that its naturally that you want that new old style in your first one... I love the story as it is but a change is always welcome. I can´t wait to see what new things you´re going to put in the story! please update soon!

5/10/2010 c1 Elaine
I'm really glad you are doing this re-write. When I read over your stories I am aware of how much you had improved by story number 3. (Not trying to insult your writing in the first story: far better than I could ever do!). But it's nice that you are now going back to story number one with all the new skills and experiences you have picked up after writing the whole trilogy.

Kudos to you!
5/10/2010 c1 kisscool
Hi, welcome back ^^. I'm glad u have the idea of this rewrite and i'll wait the next chapter.

See you soon.
5/10/2010 c1 The Ramen Master
The orignal story was fine, there was a few moments that sucked and the characters were a bit too childish. There weren't that many gramatical errors a few typos through out but I don't think a rewrite is necessary. It feels like your milking off the series dry.

It would have been nice to see you write a whole new story, seperate from the whole 'dark prince Harry' -instead of spending your limited time on a rewrite.
5/9/2010 c1 3doRodrigo
Cool! Update it soon.
5/9/2010 c1 1I-Love-Trunks1
I love this story!

Cant wait for more!
5/9/2010 c1 1finatic
oo now that you are rewriting it are you going to put in harry's childhood life or skipping it like last time and using it as a memory?
5/9/2010 c1 1kwangmablade
Hey excellent update I am really enjoying this new rewrite your doing and I enjoyed the old fic too but just throwing my opinion out there take it or leave it, I think the single best thing you could do in this rewrite is to completely and totally drop the romance. That was what killed the story for me last time, the story itself was incredible but the romance felt so forced and well no offence but fairly cliched that I just couldn't bring myself to keep reading it.

I think that if you just completely and totally cut out the romance with Ginny you could have one of the best novel length HP fics on and the only good Harry raised by Voldemort out there.
5/9/2010 c1 4David Fishwick
Cool beginning and is it going to be the same plot as the old version or something new. Please update soon thanks as I am enjoying the story. Thanks for writing.
5/9/2010 c1 2Jayda-BlackRose
WOO! A Rewrite! :)

I cant wait to read it. Is it gonna be a more detailed and in depth version of the origanel or a totally twisted and different plot?.

TBF i dont really mind. I just love that your writing again, you really are amazing. :)

Once again...

5/9/2010 c1 FairyDust18
As per usual this is amazing, yet i dont really get why your rewriting it but whatever it will be amazing just like all your stories :)
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