Just In
for The Darkness Within:The Rewrite

5/9/2010 c1 14PadfootProngs7
Hm... I'm not quite sure I understand the point of this story, but I'm excited to read some more of your work! :) Keep it going!
5/9/2010 c1 harryestelcullen
Fantastic, as always. you're the best writer I know of, so I was very happy when I saw that you have not stopped writing. It would have been such a waste of pure talent if you had3
5/9/2010 c1 49Smoochynose
How different is this version going to be. I enjoyed the first one a lot.
5/9/2010 c1 dupel
As always good =) Unsuprisingly.

Cant wait for a rewrite of the best story ever.
5/9/2010 c1 2xDeadForeverx
This was a really good chapter to do :)

Its always nice to have a bit more insight to these things haha, ill be sad when you stop writing completely, your so good :) x
5/9/2010 c1 Saffygirl
Yay! First chapter of the rewrite!

Can't wait for the next update!
5/9/2010 c1 25Miz636
Uh... I'm a bit confused as to why you've got the rewrite. Are you going to change the story or something?
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