Just In
for The Darkness Within:The Rewrite

5/22/2024 c58 FairAris
Thanks for the update! I understand how busy life can get. Take care of yourself.
5/20/2024 c58 Jacob Fritzsching
Please update your story soon!
5/20/2024 c58 Sarah Piemoroi
OMG girl, do u still alive? Welcome back! We missed you
5/19/2024 c1 SlytherinQueen4ever
Not gonna lie, I did an embarrassing double take when I saw you uploaded, I honestly thought I was hallucinating or something.I'm really REALLY glad you're back! I can't wait to see more of the rewrite!
5/18/2024 c58 santoskamilla.14
Amo sua escrita! É tão incrível que fico sem palavras para descrever. Obrigada, por continuar
5/18/2024 c58 6battousai-clau
I'm so glad your back! I've been rereading the saga lately hoping you would continue with the rewrite. So it was a nice surprise to see a new chapter! can't wait for the next one and I also hope you continue with protecting the ones you love!
5/18/2024 c58 1StormCrownSr
I was so scared of reading this chapter past the author notes. I didn't believe it was real. Kurinoone had written a new chapter?

Not only that, but it's an amazing one that improves in every way on the original story. I feel like I've just reconnected with a lost friend. Thank you for coming back, Kurinoone.
5/18/2024 c58 nu2
Oh my god! just looked at my phone and there's notification from fanfiction about story update from you! I'm so happy ! Thank you for the update ! hope you all the best!
5/16/2024 c58 OneGoldenSnitch
I'M SO HAPPY! CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I was having an awful headache and a cold and this made my day SO MUCH BETTER. I can't even begin to tell you how much this fic (this story in general actually) means to me. I love it to pieces and it helped me so much at so many different points in my life. I can't wait to read the rest! And Protecting! That's also a beautiful, heartwrenching and heartwarming story. I found myself re-reading it a couple of weeks ago. So, so, so well-written! Thank you so much for updating. Fantastic chapter!
5/16/2024 c58 F13rc3D3ity
Shit buddy glad to have you back to writing! Guess it's time to reread the story!
5/16/2024 c15 Ellie.Cast4
Going back through it! Can’t wait to read and review the new chapter, so excited!
5/16/2024 c1 1FlameAurum
This is one of my favourites and it's great to see you're still goong through with it
5/16/2024 c58 FlameAurum
This is one of my favourites and it's great to see that you've decided to finish writing it
5/16/2024 c58 romulocostacs53
Que surpresa ansiosa por ver as alterações que você vai fazer nesse final
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