Just In
for The Ghost of Mr Rand

3/1/2017 c6 Patricia
Si no terminaste la historia por problemas con tu clave como dijiste, publícala completa en otra pá dejaste intrigados.
3/1/2017 c6 Alice
Updated. Please!
2/26/2017 c6 iris
Please. Continue.
1/1/2017 c6 Nora
Me has dejado con muchísima curiosidad. Por favor, termina la historia. (enero 2017)
5/4/2015 c6 kelly.roisin
Please continue! Dying to know what happened!
11/9/2013 c4 GuppFish
5/22/2013 c6 Guest
Wish you'd update this - just getting intriguing and then nothing. PLEASE?!
7/13/2011 c6 48101spacemonkey
the pieces are all starting to fall into place!
7/13/2011 c5 101spacemonkey
aw... it killed me when they argued...
7/13/2011 c4 101spacemonkey
seriously loving this fic
7/13/2011 c3 101spacemonkey
loving it
7/13/2011 c2 101spacemonkey
I can't wait to read more... off to the next chapter!
7/13/2011 c1 101spacemonkey
im worried now... this cant bode well
9/13/2010 c6 19Cinn
I'd forgotten about this story, oops. It's still good though, so please keep updating. :)
7/29/2010 c5 MDarKspIrIt
Great story so far. Can't wait to read more!
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