Just In
for A Century in the Future

6/29/2013 c1 124Dolphingirl32173
actually, Damon cared about Elena greatly, more and more each episode, til it was ONLY Elena he wanted, and not Katherine. I enjoyed it, and this is how I think Damon would have felt right after he discovered Katherine wasn't in the tomb, but eventually, he grows to love Elena for who she is rather than as a Katherine-clone. but it was very good.
5/18/2010 c1 10jendazzle
short but sweet.

loved it.
5/10/2010 c1 4MidnightBlack07
I liked it :)

I was immediately drawn to it through the summary (I'm an avid "Lust" fan myself lol :p) and I was not disappointed. I think you;ve definately got Damon's damaged essence down, and I think you summed uo so much with this simple line:

"Neither one of the identical women would ever chose him, but he could at least make them contemplate it."

^ It's something that screams of Damon to me for some reason as I believe Katherine left him a far more battered and insecure being than he lets on :( (and that's why we love him lol) good job! :)

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