Just In
for Tied Up

3/23/2017 c3 Guest
Yes, you're right abiut ancient Greek philosophers e.g. Pytgagoras (and Archimedes) being popular in the middle ages, but that was the latter part if the middle ages, 14th century, certainly not 12th, and that was mainly Italt, certainly not England.
8/24/2010 c10 8marylinevelyn
another guy and catrine adventure. there was only one tiny sex scene. this is not acceptable.
8/24/2010 c9 marylinevelyn
This should be way more S&M. For your next Guy and Catrine business you should go way more S&M. More like your true-blood-inspired-lorena-and-bill-blood-sex-scene.
8/24/2010 c8 marylinevelyn

not really, i just wanted to say that again.
8/24/2010 c7 marylinevelyn
the curved dagger that will be marian's undoing. EPIC FORESHADOWING
8/24/2010 c6 marylinevelyn
Guy screaming in pain...I wish he was screaming in something else
8/24/2010 c5 marylinevelyn
still not enough sex. catrine should have had hate sex with matthew (and you know why i'm saying that)
8/24/2010 c4 marylinevelyn
and bore me children...low blow Guy that's really below the belt here
8/24/2010 c3 marylinevelyn
Pythagoras...medieval falcon has landed.

Not enough sex in this story yet.
8/24/2010 c2 marylinevelyn
Ah you look too much like your husband. Heehee.
8/24/2010 c1 marylinevelyn
Ah yes, sir Matthew. I wish that he could have sung a bit in this...
6/1/2010 c10 8VogueOn
Great characterisations, you really caught the sheriff's sly side! Loved the fic
5/27/2010 c9 VogueOn
Indeed steaminess :)

Glad they made up (or are in the process of)I keep thinking the outlaws are going to appear!
5/26/2010 c8 VogueOn
Tense chapter but the ending made me smile with the appearance of John!
5/23/2010 c6 VogueOn
Intense chapter, I hope neither die before making up (although I don't want them to die anyway)

Hopefully Guy getting attacked will make them realise how much they love each other!
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