Just In
for Spring Break

3/31/2019 c4 Ew
That’s so awkward.
6/9/2015 c1 21daianapotter
very short xD
10/12/2012 c8 yawan5
Noooooooooo dont die ichigo!
10/12/2012 c4 yawan5
Make rukia preg
9/5/2012 c8 emone
u cant really do that and i would not let are completely funny.(porcupine hahahaha CLASSIC)
9/5/2012 c6 emone
u better not or i will make u me. any who i think uryu and isane make a pretty awesome couple and so does rangiku and izuru
9/5/2012 c5 emone
i give this bar experience a freakin 10.
9/5/2012 c4 emone
i maybe a renruki fan but what happens if he gets her pregnant. oh well .i want to jump up and scream right about time those two do something. spring break is no spring bring break until someone is on their back
7/15/2012 c3 Star
you should know that Kenpachi would never ask for help, that would take the fun from him. Last chapter Kukkaku was too nice, she needs to at least call those two idots dumbasses. Not bad though
6/4/2011 c8 Guest
love it!
4/8/2011 c4 A.M.P 1008
1. byakuya was way OOC in this chapter.

2. Forever New Yorker, you review too much
7/6/2010 c8 Forever New Yorker
Aw, don't kill Ichi! This is my 8th review for you! BE GRATEFUL! Geesh!

Well I will put my little signeture/advertisement here again.


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Forever New Yorker
7/6/2010 c7 Forever New Yorker
...not to into Yu-Gi-Oh, I always thought that it was evil to

I love Ichigo's immaturity. "And I saw the baby drinking alcohol" FUNNY!

Forever New Yorker
7/6/2010 c6 Forever New Yorker
Wow, you would never really expect Ishida and Isane. I always thought that the quincy had something for Nemu. Lol.

Forever New Yorker
7/6/2010 c5 Forever New Yorker
Ooh, bars, what can ya do? lol

Forever New Yorker
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