Just In
for Getting Used To It

8/8 c3 loveonabattlefield
From 2010, then a 2021 update was mind-boggling ! Love the story
10/6/2023 c3 20weesh
This was so good. I just kept smiling as I read the whole thing. Good job!
11/28/2022 c1 Dasgun
6/20/2022 c3 10Alice1420
Hay estuvieron tres, ojalá hubieran más.
3/11/2021 c3 44snoopykid
Really cute! I’d be glad to read more if you do continue with the story
3/8/2021 c1 7OmniscientReader
One update every 5 years... epic
1/31/2021 c3 Guest
Why did you take down chapters 4, 5, and 6? I really enjoyed that story.
2/1/2021 c3 Alia643
Are you going to republish Breaking Point Parts 1-3? I saw that they were published a few days ago but I can't seem to access them. Other than that, I love your writing! The way you portray the characters is very accurate to their personalities.
10/5/2020 c1 wiseboy
amazing how hiccup and astrid look alot like percy and annabeth
2/6/2019 c7 Guest
1/24/2019 c6 hjgofkplds
where is stormfly?!
11/11/2018 c7 Guest
Can i ask why it's Cloudbreak?
9/5/2018 c4 Guest
What happened I am so confused
9/4/2018 c6 Guest
Astrid’s dragon is actually named Stormfly
8/19/2018 c7 Guest
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