Just In
for Fighting For Love

12/7/2013 c11 MadGirlWithABook
I love how u put Parker in this chapter XD it made the chapter even better then it was! Your an awesome writer please contiue to write
3/29/2013 c2 Guest
What's erg? Oh, you mean urge.
11/1/2012 c2 3theSkiesDivide
Gods, I love the story so freaking much! But I have just one suggestion: if by 'erg' do you mean 'urge'? Yeah, that's all :)) I LOVE THAPOLLO!
7/17/2012 c2 Lindzpindz4me
Why did Parker have to enter the story line, but Apollo is so sweet to Thalia ! Your writing actually sounds like Ricks, great job!
11/14/2011 c9 13Gaara'sFanGirl.Sasuke'sWife
Oh sweetie! I am crying my eyes out! Parker is dead...
11/14/2011 c11 Guest
Shit! I have to write it over again! Sweetie! I l0ve ur stories, u have a real gift! In this story, I think when Thalia remembered Parker was my fav part! Made me cry! Great job hon' I love this story!
11/14/2011 c9 Stygiandarkness18 and ns23
Sweetie! That was so heartfelt and sad and beautiful that u cried! That was amazing!
11/14/2011 c5 Stygiandarkness18 and ns23
Awe! Naughty Parker! Poor Thalia stuck in the middle... Keep writing sweetie!
10/15/2011 c11 1leonia the leo
i love this story to your a great writer
9/26/2011 c11 11DWhoLocked
OMG! one of my favorite fanfics! love how parker got to be there even in ghost form. AMAZING!
9/26/2011 c8 twilight luv82
(don't feel like logging in) ARE YOU CRAZY! WAY TO RUIN THE MOMENT! ha! that was predictable that he would propose though, i have a bit of a romance sencer from all of the fanfics i have read that include proposing...3 the story
5/15/2011 c1 Guest
Thalia's birthday is December 22 (:

but I like your stories !
1/30/2011 c1 youshouldbeDANCING
love the story
1/19/2011 c2 Alice
My guess is that Parker is going to make Thalia fall in love with him without giving her a chance. Like he forces her into loving him.
1/18/2011 c2 Alice
My guess is that Parker is going to make Thalia fall in love with him without giving her a chance. Like he forces her into loving him.
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