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for Chuck Versus Codename Renegade

10/15/2012 c22 2TheIntersect20
I know I has been a couple of years but this is a great story, please continue it!
8/18/2012 c22 torres
really good! could u finish the story though?
7/11/2010 c22 jinxed97
Nice chapter.
7/11/2010 c22 51Jimmy 144
Very good. Liked that Jamie caught up with Morgan. Was nice to see a little background on Jamie. Thanks
7/5/2010 c21 Jimmy 144
Very interesting. Liked that Jamie has to go get Morgan. Thanks
7/4/2010 c21 jinxed97
Nice chapter...
7/2/2010 c20 Jimmy 144
Hope you get better. Have a good weekend.
6/30/2010 c19 jinxed97
Great chapter...
6/29/2010 c19 Jimmy 144
Great. I like the Charah and going back to Barstow was a nice touch. Should be interesting to have Carina and Jamie together. Thanks
6/28/2010 c19 Notactiveanymore112
great chapter!
6/28/2010 c19 tw200
This was alot of fun... Great job... Thanks

Its nice to be back to mostly Chuck and Sarah.
6/28/2010 c19 wassupchuck
Very nice. I like that you gave them some time off, together. Also nice touch with Barstow. Thanks
6/28/2010 c18 tw200
OK.. its getting to be alot of fun..Thanks for your sharing your story.. TW
6/27/2010 c18 jinxed97
Great chapter...
6/27/2010 c18 Jimmy 144
Very good. I like that Chuck figured out a way to fix things. And Casey as the drill master should be fun. Thanks
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