Just In
for I'm Dancing With Tears In My Eyes

6/9/2016 c1 4TadaselovesAmu19
*still crying non stop* !
3/15/2016 c1 2TadaselovesAmu
*Cries* Amu ... why?
6/29/2014 c1 Ngoskill
GAH, WHY SHE DO THAT. WHAT DO. I would uncontrollably combust into flames and leave you too if you did such a thing
12/27/2013 c1 ELLYNiepooh
*Mouth wide open* SHE SUICIDED? *Faints*
7/29/2012 c1 90909090INACTIVE90909090
that was so sad but yet a good story i loved it u should become an author but only if u want to thx for the story )
12/18/2011 c1 4Neon-Splattered Skittles
=.= This was so sad =.=
5/23/2010 c1 57Amulet Misty
Aww that WAS sad T-T Amu commited suicide! T-T Which wasn't really that smart for her since that would make Tadase even more sad xDDD Ahh well she's an emotional mess lol

Anyway, love the fic, 5/5 :D
5/21/2010 c1 5Vidka could you write something so sad?

It's so unlike you D:

There's something that caused you to write this...

Very nice plot, amazing grammar too ^^

...but Ikuto shouldve gotten Amu.


Imagine the next morning after they break up, Tadase turns on the tv an sees the news... "Amu Hinamoei committed suuuiiiicccidddeee! 8D"

Then he'll feel so bad :3

Then he'll kill himself too.

(Yay! xD)

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