Just In
for Many Layers of Ranger

2/13/2016 c5 20aruvqan
Most military women I know [and not a few men] consider she-roes a rather belittling word. A hero is a hero, no matter the gender. Calling a woman a she-roe is sort of like patting her on the head and telling her "How nice, you managed to kill all those nasty wittle insurgents and didn't even break a nail..."

Just saying.
12/14/2012 c5 rangerbabe.1
There are definitely many layer to our Batman. I laughed when you wrote people will think he has multiple personalities. Haha she talks about him sometimes like he is different people. Loved this.
9/23/2010 c5 1Mik N'jirnav
Darn! I wanted to hear more! Great story so far, wish it had kept on to reach the conclusion...
9/23/2010 c1 Mik N'jirnav
WoW, you are blowing me away here! Love your "take" on Carlos and agree 100% with everything you've said so far!
6/17/2010 c5 remeyqueen74
more please
6/9/2010 c5 glynnall
i'm still enchanted with your story. can't wait for more
6/9/2010 c1 glynnall
a very astute description of ranger.
6/3/2010 c5 rnbwsktles
Is this story really complete? It ended a little open-ended if you ask me!
5/22/2010 c1 24jago-ji
WOW! I couldn't stop the flow of tears as I read this. You articulated my own dream of how Ranger feels about Stephanie and about his complex life. At times it felt a bit stilted, but Ranger is just now allowing himself to feel, so his calmness and control would still be strong. A little more fun, impulsiveness in his narrative would be nice, also a little more insight into Steph's reaction (from Ranger's viewpoint) would be interesting. Please keep writing. You express a different and intriguing style to explore these favorite characters of mine.
5/22/2010 c5 ctmerk
What happened to all your reviews? I know that I left some for the other chapters. I really loved your story, especially that it was Ranger POV. It felt like he was talking with an old friend. I hope you are going to start another story soon. Thank you so much.
5/22/2010 c5 77mybrowneyes
I really like Ranger telling you the story. Lee Anne

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