Just In
for The Moon's Revulsion

7/10/2019 c3 297699767660
ohmygod this is beautiful. you made me feel that nostalgia even though i'm literally no one just reading this story. i'm so happy for their new beginning.

for the girl forsaken
wish to try a new beginning?

i love his letter so much! i'm so aaaaahhhh wow i love it so much. i'm so glad it ends in a happy ending!
9/12/2013 c3 2A Mechanism of the Dented Kind
So Amazing! I Cried From The Beauty Of The End. It Gave Me The Hope I Have Been MissinG. I Won't Give,Up! ThankYou SO Much!
4/15/2012 c3 AmaiNeiko
Wow that was unbeleivably beautiful, and had a very poetic feeling to it. I love it, thankyou shareing! ^o^
3/23/2012 c3 4Warrior of Aces
Beautiful story, writing and all?
6/18/2011 c3 17Anime Onnanoko
Really good description in the story and really good story!
5/14/2011 c3
i'm speechless. this is by far my favourite story in fanfiction's history! so thank you a thousand times for this. it moved me. you are an amazing writer 3.
3/28/2011 c1 2TurtleMelon
OMG! U R A TRUE ARTIST! U took the words a formed them into a beautiful picture! This is truely a story I will never forget :3!
12/6/2010 c3 Diehard243
That was just an absolutely brilliant piece of writing I just can't describe my graditude for you writing it. But all I can say is "Thank you."
6/5/2010 c2 8HimekoUchia
Reading your story is like reading a beautiful poem. Or like reading a gorgeous painting. I don't think that it is technically possible to read painting, but that is the perfect way of describing your story... Its beautiful.
6/5/2010 c3 HimekoUchia
Wow... That was beautiful. A very good story. If the story was 100 chapters long, I would have loved and read every single one of them. The sotry is short, but very perfect. And the characters are completely in character! A job very, very well done!
5/26/2010 c3 6ahbuggrit
nice sweet ending. i would've liked for you to have drawn this out a little more :) job well done nevertheless

5/24/2010 c3 3chellythemadhatter
I can't believe you have so few reviews. I loved it! There is some stumbling here and there, but the imagery is great. And very realistic at the same time. Too bad it ends here. :o( Keep up the good work!
5/24/2010 c3 14wisdom-jewel
well, it was a great read. Good job on it
5/23/2010 c2 6ahbuggrit
interesting. I want more. Please update :)
5/22/2010 c1 2JamKa
Absolutly beautiful imagery ... Makes me want to draw :) good job!
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