Just In
for A Mermaid?

7/29 c7 coolchick87
I love your story please update it
4/14/2021 c7 11Mukuro234
Awesome! I so totally love it!
2/2/2019 c1 1Kikielynn
1 of the best story’s I’ve read in the last 6 months
1/12/2019 c7 mkrulz
Could you continue?!
1/2/2019 c7 Kennedy
I looooved this story so freaking much!
10/21/2018 c7 Guest
Well, this is a very long fucking writers block. Fuck.
7/28/2018 c2 Guest
While we make you smile you make us cry
5/4/2018 c7 Penguinvamp4245
Really enjoyed this story. Wish u would finish it
2/7/2018 c3 titi
this is VERY GOOOD
2/7/2018 c2 Guest
this is GOOOOD
12/23/2017 c7 Guest
Please write more!
12/8/2017 c5 ravencoleman
Yes bring Jake and Edward back plz
11/18/2017 c7 Me
Pweeeeeaazzzzzeeee continue!
9/18/2017 c7 thecatleader
Why do all the good ones have to just suddenly end *pouts*
7/8/2017 c7 Guest
Idiot where is the rest of the story.
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