Just In
for The Return of a Queen

2/6/2012 c11 MyinnerDEMON17
Love it
1/20/2012 c1 night elf
Great story i hope you got something that spired you to do this story,please write really soon :D
11/10/2011 c11 8Kelina Dawn Hearan
Fantastic! I love this, but maybe you should brush up on remembering the characters' names. I noticed that you sorta spelled Lara's name as Laura and Leif's as Lief in the last few chapters.

Anyway, update soon! Go! Go! Go! I'll be waiting! Don't stress though...
9/15/2011 c11 piper101
OMG this is a good story I also have rune factory and I also marry tabatha ,anyway why raguna canin please t see her when he die? is it a tolkein thing I believe all souls go to the after life could you explain please ? good story please write soon.
5/29/2011 c4 24TennisWriter456

I really, really, REALLY liked this chapter! You know, you have a talent with dialogue! You're really good when it comes to the words that the characters say. It makes the story more real! This chapter was a lot better than some of your previous ones. I literally gasped at the end of this chapter haha, you have me that excited about it.

In this chapter, there were just a few things I would mention. First, you have a few tense problems. For example, you'll use "is" instead of "was", or "was" instead of "had been." Just watch out for that. Also, you can get a little repetitive with what you're saying, but that will go away with more experience! And then of course there are just the careless typos that appear in every story, but those go away with practice and extra editing. Besides that, the story's coming along very nicely! Keep it up :)

-TennisWriter456 :D
5/16/2011 c3 TennisWriter456

WOW, I really liked this chapter :) It had me on the edge of my seat! You had me truly feeling for the characters, and their untimely deaths made me sad T_T You did it well!

A few minor things. I think when Raguna tells Tabatha that he'll sacrifice himself, it should be more dramatic. I mean he's pretty much telling her he's going to die. Tabatha's reaction was perfect, but I think you should also emphasize Raguna's pain. Make it more balanced :)

Another thing was that sometimes, you mix together two strange clauses. Like, you'll put together a declarative statement with a question using a comma. You should either use a semicolon OR put a period.

Besides that, I'm liking where this is going! Sorry it's taking me so long to read it :( I'm trying to balance everything! But when summer comes, I'll hopefully get more into it. Keep up the good work!

-TennisWriter456 :D
6/19/2010 c5 11LiteracyLover
OMFG! Awesome! This is like, sooo awesome! Awesoem awesome awesome! Yippee!

Ehh...sorry. Kinda high. On chocolate. Ugh, I'm so pathetic...
6/5/2010 c4 2AuthorNCS
TURNER! WHY? *Cries*
6/5/2010 c4 EMOsBrother
Another perfect chapter^^

You really now how to write good stories, which are romantic and exciting

Keep at it!
6/5/2010 c4 11LiteracyLover
Okay, nice chapter. Liked where this is going.

Aww...Lutie like Iris? Cute. Which Iris is she? Blanche or Noire?

BUT. There is one thing about this chapter which is irritating me.


It's even there on the character select list in this site. LARA, and not LAURA. Please get that point straight. I really get ticked off when people mess her name up.

And I don't like the fact she's married to Erik. I don't like Erik, you see. But this is for your story. I'm just generally saying, I don't think Eric and Lara go well with each other. I mean, EW!

Anyway. Forgive my little outburst. But please correct the spelling of her name. I hate it when they spell Lara's name Laura. Bleah.
6/2/2010 c3 EMOsBrother
NOOO! Tis stupid elf! How dare they kill eunices father!

And I like Ganesha too! Can´t stop reading!

But a good idea to make this story exciting^^ But now that tabatha is gone there will be no romantic scenes for a while *depressed aura*. But I hope there will be a big romance scene when they finally meet each other again *happy aura*.

Can´t wait to read the next chapter^^

PS: I use the word "but" quite often...
6/2/2010 c2 EMOsBrother
OMG! I love this romantic scene at the end of the story!

I could not stop to read when they got locked into the room alone (perfect for a lemon^^, just kidding)

The Idea that Raguna trains with marco in the green ruins ⇒ awsome

And what was this creepy spider? Well it added a of of excitement!

Anyway I hope there will be a LOT of more romantic scenes^^
6/2/2010 c1 EMOsBrother
Wow, I really love the beginning of this story

Although I like the pair ragunaxeunice, I never considered these two to be a pairing...

But ´cause of this story I also like the pairing ragunaxtabatha^^

PS: You´re a great author
5/30/2010 c3 LiteracyLover
W-wow. This was...this was a really good chapter. I loved it.

I-I can't say much. It's PERFECT! A-and...the good,'m speechless at the perfectness of this chapter!

BTW, I hope this isn't ending anytime soon. I really like this.
5/28/2010 c3 2AuthorNCS
Awesome! Even though this come from a MistXRaguna fan...
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