Just In
for Saria's Awakening

8/10/2022 c1 10lunarlighthouse
Thank you for that colourful journey! We must always listen to the wind.

The Lunar Lighthouse
7/6/2014 c5 allthewolves
This story is so unique both in plot and perspective. Very vivid and descriptive. The story has a certain cadence to it.

I realize this story was published 4 years ago now, but it's still awesome. I read your other story too ("Lost" which is a bit more recent), and hope you keep going with your writing.
7/23/2012 c5 SariaxLink
Very sweet. I love this story! Keep writing!
2/19/2012 c1 11ZeldaRubix
I just stumbled across this, and cannot believe that no one has reviewed this story. I really enjoyed it, because it shows the progression, or metamorphosis of Saria from Kokiri to sage. Keep writing.

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