Just In
for Cold Sheets: A Series of One Shots

4/4/2013 c1 13AcaciaDawn
8/23/2010 c2 8marylinevelyn
Okay totally thought Catrine had broken her hand, then you corrected me that she's not a pansy. Sorry, I forgot what a badass Catrine is.

I love the emphasis on her correcting herself that it's 'our'.

The part about Robin coming back and Dirk defending him, but having doubt when he realized how long he'd been gone...gave me shivers.
8/23/2010 c1 marylinevelyn
This is my favorite sex scene of Guy and Catrine. It's just super hot. I remember the first time I read this I was just sitting there with my hand over my mouth, so engrossed.
7/2/2010 c1 8April73
Wow, it's hot... but I like it.

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