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for How the Mighty Fall

5/15/2023 c1 Guest
The whole story is very good but I'm a bit unsure about the whole Jake and his friends being owners of a million dollar company and being filthy rich, I mean yeah, it's good 4 them, but since Nessie is married to Jake, Nessie and the whole Cullen family gets expose to the public, u know how media does coverages about rich businessmen and their when you belong to a famous family people gonna remember you. Like Kardashians. Specially when you're whole family is full of supermodel looking people. So due to that reason won't people figure out there's something wrong with Cullen family and how they look the same all the time. Specially after seeing their photos and stuff in papers, magazines etc. I thought being vampires mean u gotta keep a low profile so people won't be suspicious of you. Seriously I don't know what to think.
3/26/2023 c31 Fleur50
J’a8 bien aimé votre histoire, tellement passionnante!
3/26/2023 c30 Fleur50

Je suis marié depuis 40 ans. Mon mari m’a dit une fois qu’il m’aimait. De par ses agissements de tous les jours, je sais qu’il m’aime…
3/26/2023 c29 Fleur50
3/26/2023 c27 Fleur50
Ben non, c’était parfait!

Ce qui n’était pas parfait, c’était votre note à la fin du chapitre vous dénigrant en vous débarrassant de la note M. Ça, ça m’a déçue!
3/25/2023 c25 Fleur50
Quel beau chapitre!
3/25/2023 c24 Fleur50
3/25/2023 c23 Fleur50
3/25/2023 c22 Fleur50
3/24/2023 c21 Fleur50
Non, non, continuer, lol
3/24/2023 c20 Fleur50
3/24/2023 c19 Fleur50
3/23/2023 c17 Fleur50
3/22/2023 c16 Fleur50
Quelle belle façon de lui dire!
3/22/2023 c15 Fleur50
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