Just In
for Magical Mafia Boss Tsuna Sawada

2/27/2021 c1 26Yukimori of the Cherokee
(Shift \) is the horizontal line.
5/7/2019 c1 Sliver Crystal of Tokyo-Moon
Where's the update chapters?
1/12/2012 c1 10Little Bookwyrm
Please, Please update soon!

I want to see what happens next!
12/20/2011 c1 8HinataDelDesiertoUchija
I think that the X-burner doesn't exactly pale in comparison with starlight breaker, as there has yet to be an X-burner that leaves Tsuna almost completely drained like it does to nanoha.

It is certainly a little bit weaker in terms of raw power though.

Its a very good story, very interesting and I'd like to read more please update soon.
4/12/2011 c1 MHplayer749
Nice intro, wish you would update
11/28/2010 c1 3VongolaHermit
the story is good, and interesting, if you continue with this crossover I will read it
6/9/2010 c1 2Windraider
I don't mind your start, but aren't you exagerating by saying that X-Burner pales in comparison to divine buster or starlight breaker?

I mean come on in choice battle he metled down city buildings made of metal 20 times harder than normal ones.

And it's not just one or two buildings, but the entire row all the way from one end of the city to the other.

You can make him have trouble with his magic growth, but it doesn't make much sense or fun if you downgrade if his mafia abilites.

Unless you have some way off compesating with the power and all.

Or unless your talking about the old X-Burner when he just created, the current one actually far exceeds the power of not just divine buster but also star light breaker.

It;s not just the choice battle, but also the time when he fried torikiboto alive 100%, he set part of the sky abalze in one blast alone, even starlight breaker can't do that.

I mean if you were to like make him weaker, at least do after the varia battle and not after the future arc where he's so much more powerful as compared to them.

It doesn't make much sense in this case.

Anyway, Gokudera also would never actually leave his boss for something like that, but oh well.

Anyway, I'll just keep reading first to see what happens next, oh and I hope you got a nice plot, because Yuuno summoned Nanoha for a crisis the first time they met, but as there are no crisis here, I doubt Yuuno has a reason to take Tsuna away.
6/7/2010 c1 GaoGar
I wonder who is Tsuna going to be pick to be his bride before his 18th birthday? If he going to the TSBA and work as a mage, officer or may be a contract mage? And what will be his ranking?

Im so excited to find this kind of cross-over!

Please update soon!

God speed!

And by the way God thing that this is not YAOI, no offense to yaoi fans but i grew tired of yaoi pairings.
6/7/2010 c1 GaoGar
OMG! This is one great chappy, if Tsuna is going to find his bride before his 18th birthday who will it be? And I wonder if Tsuna is going to TSBA to work for them as a contract mage?
6/6/2010 c1 5The Neo Productions
This is very nice!
6/5/2010 c1 art9000
I'm not really familiar with Hitman Reborn but the story looks promising.

Keep it up. Waiting for the next chapter. [Added to my Alerts]
6/4/2010 c1 20kerosama1994
Cool! and what pairings will this be?

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