Just In
for Appearing

8/15/2014 c1 sunxsand
This was heartbreaking and very poignant. I got a little choked up. Excellent writing.
4/7/2013 c1 1Brooklyn Byrne
That was so sad and amazing! can you do more afterlife stuff?
12/12/2011 c1 Courtney
This is really good!
7/13/2010 c1 4emLILYEVANS
that was so sad! I'm crying here! I loved it. Very well written.
6/14/2010 c1 10SWChica2005
I was so angry when Tonks and Remus died...poor Teddy having a childhood reminiscent in that respect to Harry. But unlike Harry, Teddy fortunately had Harry as a godfather to raise him and help him to know his dad. Whenever I read DH I still get mad that they died. You're fic will help me to finally accept what JKR decided to do to them. Great job!

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