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for Downpour

7/27/2014 c1 32Qwerts
Great job, especially with keeping the characters in character. James' comment about how Lily needs someone who challenges her was a nice touch...
2/28/2014 c1 Leaving and Left
This is so good.
But poor Andrew...
But this is so good.
4/15/2013 c1 1whelmedarrow
3/16/2013 c1 44Ansy Pansy aka Panz
That was kind of mental and crazy but very passionate!
2/23/2013 c1 FlubberyFlobberworms
Loved it! Poor Andrew, though :(
1/29/2013 c1 SiriuslyMrsMalfoy
I can see this so clearly in my head, it's perfect. You are an amazing writer and you really captured the passion of Jily.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was how Lily & James got together tbh, it almost seems canon.
8/15/2011 c1 22GigiHudson
I never read Harry Potter fanfiction, but this one caught my eye and I had to read it. So, so glad I did.

It was awesome!
12/31/2010 c1 2Scarlet Natalia
I absolutely Adored this :D it was so sweet! I freaking love James and Lily together! Haha
12/29/2010 c1 2ravensoulsister
Love, love, love. Perfect one-shot. I loved it. :)
12/19/2010 c1 16APWBDumbledore
I really like it - though I am really pitying that andrew guy and marlene ...
9/20/2010 c1 Guest
So good!
8/29/2010 c1
Ah, the passion. I'm so tired of reading calm Lily/James stories. They're supposed to yell and snog, obviously. :) Good story.
7/29/2010 c1 13Inklings96
poor andrew. but it was really good, i just wish he had had a happy ending with marlene or somethin
7/4/2010 c1 Firegoddess711
SO satisfying! I can just feel the frustration pouring out and the RELIEF they felt after yelling at each other! Good job! :)
6/30/2010 c1 Guest
That made me happy.
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