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for Game, Set, Match

6/3/2024 c34 hawkeye1958
Great story
5/13/2024 c34 Daisy57
Absolutely loved every word thank you for sharing your wonderful story. Regards
9/30/2023 c26 2Vero Diaz
I can’t believe Bella is falling for that BS
9/30/2023 c8 Vero Diaz
Being friends with one of Edward’s slut is extremely weird
9/30/2023 c5 Vero Diaz
What a nasty and disgusting manwhore
10/22/2022 c34 ambereyes55
Very beautiful story.
Love it.
Thank you for sharing..
1/17/2022 c34 1Flora Mile
Loved your story even when Bella annoyed me! Thank you for writing it.

Will check out your other stories!
1/16/2022 c25 Flora Mile
I am one to wait to see what happens, before I comment… but all I can say is that Bella brought this on herself. She was stubborn and in the wrong. Yes Edward’s polars blah blah blah, but your in an adult relationship. You talk not run!

This Bella at the moment is childish. Grow up!
8/19/2021 c34 twificfan
I know it's been 11 years but I hope you're still reading your reviews. My husband just drove down to Washington DC to see Nadal play. We managed to get into the stadium the night before we were planning to see him play. It turns out that we got to see the last few points before he lost the match. If we had waited until the next day we would have missed it! Long story even longer, this has been extra fun for me to read because in the whole process of going to see the Citi-open, I learned a lot about Tennis (My husband is a huge fan and fan boys over Nadal). I think I got so much more out of your story having my new appreciation for the game!

Fabulous story, Thank you!
8/8/2021 c10 Toni Masen
Hmmm, I thought she would actually be a witch. :-) Nice little read. :-)
7/31/2021 c5 Guest
Cant stand pathetic idiots like this. He went from shoving his tongue down some skanks mouth to shoving it down hers. Ewwwwww. She needs to hand her woman card in.
3/7/2021 c1 Lyndseyxx
There’s a lot lot I like about this story and I did enjoy it, but I just don’t understand how there’s the awful scene where Bella is attacked and almost raped and it’s never mentioned again. James was arrested, so surely there must have been a trial of some kind? I just can’t accept that she was devastated by the fact that she thought Edward cheated, but has no reaction to being horribly attacked and very nearly raped. It just really downplays a very serious event in the story. Something like that needs to be pivotal to the story, or it just shouldn’t be included
8/2/2020 c28 26LolaTheSa
Honestly this is a good story but I absolutely hate it she gets let off the hook with another dude. And for not trusting him.

I get he loves her but plenty of stories have similar situations in reverse where Edward has to earn his spot back.. but Bella just had to endure a child like tantrum and within a week, they are good.
8/2/2020 c27 LolaTheSa
I quit.. if Edward has gotten with another girl, it would be a big deal.

So he's not ok with her not trusting him but he's ok with getting with another dude? THAT'S backwards as fuck.
8/2/2020 c26 LolaTheSa
Reverse the situation and Edward is a cunt for kissing)dating another person. She is one imo.
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