Just In
for And He Thought South Park Was Crazy…

4/14/2016 c6 Bluecloud
I'd like to be a writer when I grow up . . . if any teacher tried to pull that on me, I'd call the cops. They wouldn't let my parents listen to that fox-dung story then, would they?
2/25/2013 c8 3AwesomeSpellsPrussia
1/15/2013 c8 19MarshieMello-Cookies
Spectacularmathon! I have to admit, it's a pretty awesome word
1/15/2013 c7 MarshieMello-Cookies
'You sadistic son of a bitch' describes me perfectly. Heheheh :D
I'll admit, it's been a while since I read a style fic, and I gotta admit, I'm really starting to like this one!
1/15/2013 c6 MarshieMello-Cookies
Well, if Stan isn't going to kick him in the balls, I gladly will take up the offer
1/15/2013 c5 MarshieMello-Cookies
WOO! STORY TIME! -Grabs plushies-
Continue your story, Kylie-boo
1/15/2013 c4 MarshieMello-Cookies
At first I was thinking: Kyle!
Then: Not Kyle?
After that: KYLE! :D
1/15/2013 c3 MarshieMello-Cookies
The difference's between Matt and Alfred's letters made me laugh XD
Despite this being written a while ago, the Fringe Festival? I've never been, but there's posters for it all over our Drama department, so I'm guessing it's a pretty big thing!
1/15/2013 c1 MarshieMello-Cookies
South Park and Hetalia! YAY!
But I've got to admit, I like your idea! The crazy randomness of South Park and a World Meeting clash together quite nicely
10/11/2012 c6 Guest
The story needs some Kenny-killing. Otherwise, it's not a real South Park fic.
7/12/2012 c7 hmmmm
Alright so here I am, searching through the archives when I find this. I like both Hetalia and South Park, and after reading the reviews which were all good, I clicked it...expecting a good fic. It's how do I put this boring. It's not that the plots bad, Stan becoming an agent of sorts for the nation is pretty good and the way he got it is some what believable but the rest is meh.

For starters everybody has said that the comedy is good like South Park's and Hetalia's combined. I read through this whole thing and to me it just seems like a generic Hetalia romance fic with South Park thrown in for the hell of it. There's almost nothing here that somewhat relates to South Park and it's feel.

There's little cursing (there needs to be more), the plot line isn't ludicrous or mocking some current event of politician, and some South Park characters seem OOC. As you may notice I'm only criticizing the South Park part, the Hetalia side is just fine. I'm just beginning to wonder if you have ever seen an episode of South Park in your life.

Also I know Yaoi in Hetalia is common (the legitimacy can be debated) but coming from South Park (again) seems OOC. most of the boys have reacted violently to being called gay and denied it. It just seems like something Matt Stone and Trey Parker would be laughing their asses off at (if you don't know who these people are, you’re not a South Park fan, don't even try calling yourself one).

There's probably more, but I can't think of any at the moment. It's not that the fic is bad; in fact I like the Hetalia parts very much. It's just that the South Park parts need to be worked out a little, like fleshing out Stan's, Kyle’s and Cartman's characters to make them act like they do in the show and not just adding them because you think they're "cute" (I've seen to many fic go bad because of an authors lust towards certain characters, a fact few like to admit). This fic can be even better if you try.
6/26/2012 c8 39In The Mix
WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED THIS AWESOME FIC? WHY? Please please PLEASE UPdate! I would be forever grateful!
4/29/2012 c8 4Nepoleon
lmao I wouldn't mind if they were mentioned again but anyways this is great!hope u update soon XD
3/30/2012 c8 3Kukat
please please please update! this is so interesting, and funny lol!
3/30/2012 c8 1777angeloflove
loving the story...
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