Just In
for The life of Demi Weasley

7/8/2011 c2 3AngelofDarkness210
Sara: Hey this story is really good, but I think maybe you should've mace it not too the point. I think you should've had it nottwo chapters but have it like a lot of chapters telling their story and all they had to go through and not just the good times, ifthat makes sense

Kisa: Wow...that's a lot of words...uh...nice...story? (not sure what else there is to type)
1/31/2011 c2 17Projekt-Z
how was that 34 pages? i read it in 5 mins, but still a good story, and its 'horcruxes' i think.
12/28/2010 c2 Kekkfanatic
Make a sequel this story is brilliant I absolutely adore the Harry Potter books.

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