Just In
for Flesh and Bones

11/13/2014 c1 Fanficescape
Hmmm. When I saw your crossover, I immediately formed expectations. I'm a major Bones fan. With the exception of the medical/ psychological/biological verbal diarrhea though, this was Sookie, not Bones. Bones is detached, socially clueless unless made to examine a situation using her education, doesn't blush, doesn't get embarrassed. So, her words didn't match her actions. Still, when I could forget she was supposed to be Bones, I enjoyed the story.
7/17/2013 c1 Tiggy318
Good story!
10/4/2011 c1 Angiestl
This is my second time reading this, I'm not sure why I didn't review the first time but it works out since I can comment on more recent Bones episodes that I don't think had been on yet. I'm all kinds of excited that Booth and Bones finally hooked up, but I so wish they had followed your story instead! How much better would that have been? I think you completely captured Sookie as Bones' personality in this fic, and Amelia works out perfectly for Angela no matter what. Switch her herbs for paintbrushes and sketchpads and they are very similar deep down. Sam is very much Sam, just with the weird Hodges geekness to him. Love it all!
9/5/2011 c1 1Shortscotwifey
loved it.
5/16/2011 c1 kerriki
3/22/2011 c1 3Waiting on Summer
NW, As ff has been a fail lately, I've had time to go and read a little bit. I absolutely love this story. I've seen Bones a handful of times at best, but can tell that you've got the characters nailed. What's even funnier is that the way you've matched the SVM characters with the Bones characters was really well done.

What I think sets the story apart even more is the mystery that you've weaved into the story. The suspects I had in mind were ruled out quickly and I would never have guessed the actual killer. It was fun (In a trying to solve the mystery type of way.)!

Have you ever considered writing another? Perhaps one where the victim isn't left in a port-o-john? (Where did you come up with that?) ;) I think it would be a fun series of stories to read.
1/26/2011 c1 1treewitch703
Those pheromones'll do it every time.
1/7/2011 c1 Slayerskey
You put a smile on my face. Loved it!
12/31/2010 c1 ljhjelm49
I love the story. You are awesome:)

6/27/2010 c1 11onefee27
I loved this!

As I told you, I've never watched Bones, but I will say that some of the long scientific explanations that came out of Sookie's mouth did remind me of a Bones promo I've seen several times on Fox, so I'm suspecting that if I watched the show, I'd find that you did a wonderful job with the characterization.

As for the scientific explanations ... it was hilarious to think of some the the topics being discussed in that fashion, but interesting, though.

As for those lines ... I bet you had to do a lot of research for them.

Oh, and it's not like I can forget, but before it slips my mind, the lemons were amazing.

You are really a great writer and I'm lucky to have someone so great as my beta! You should write more!
6/27/2010 c1 3kmsmith1975
Great Job on the story!

I had to watch the show to see how the characters matched up, and you did a perfect job!

Bill is a douche and I'm glad he got kicked out! Pam is hilarious! Sookie's rants were so spot on to Bones! Good Luck with the contest! :)

I have watched bits and pieces of the show since you wrote this and I can't help but see the SVM characters in place of the real ones.

You have a great writing sense and I hope that you will write more!
6/26/2010 c1 29evenflo78
OMG ...I love Bones! Lafayette as Sweets too fan-fuckin-tastic! Amelia as Angela was good too and Pam as Cam, come on, great! The mystery was good, the funny bits cracked me up, and the lemons...*swoon* SO HOT! Great job sugar lips!
6/24/2010 c1 5Math Princess
First off, my dear Northwoman, I want to apologize PROFUSELY for not doing this sooner.

There was so much I loved about this story, even though I've never seen the show, Bones. I loved how many perspectives there were - it was fun to be in Lafayette's head - I don't know if I've ever been there before :-). I loved the references to "Dear Abby," Sam's "puppy dog look," and Eric's title: "Mr. Hot Ass 2010". More like Mr. Hot Ass FOREVER :-) I also loved the way Sookie's character behaved, her science nerdiness is totally adorable.

Your lemons were HOT even though I know you'd mentioned before you had a hard time writing them. I thought they were very well written, easy to imagine, and realistic.

The mystery was very good and I totally wanted it to be Debbie. Don't we all hate her? But I loved the way it kept twisting - every good mystery does!
6/23/2010 c1 1suziefknQ
Sookies' character was hilarious! I really enjoyed this, and I look forward to reading more from you :D
6/22/2010 c1 4BonTempsCutie
Holy guacamole! That was awesome! Whoof - that was hot! Love the overanalyzing of everything sexual - too funny! And extremely well written.

Thanks for sharing!


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