Just In
for Another Quest

7/31 c2 Guest
Nico isn't 15 he's younger like 13
5/12/2013 c9 1MatchboxWarrior
Seriously you would get less euros in return for 600 dollars euros are made out of solid gold and I know I'm from Scotland
4/9/2011 c9 abc123
I totally love it! Did you have to leave me at a clffy?:(:( It just makes me want to read more!:):) Whatever you do, keep continuing the story! Love the way you do Thalico(I know, I sound like Aphrodite!)!
1/4/2011 c9 1Gagalalala
SOOO GOOD! I love Thalico! More chapters soon please!
9/18/2010 c4 Wieieieieieieieieieieieieirdo
I got my cookies! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! XD I'm loving your story!
9/18/2010 c3 Wieieieieieieieieieieieieirdo
WHERE ARE MY DESSERTS FOR MY LAST REVIEW! XD Lolz... I'm very intrigued by your story! It's AWESOME!
9/18/2010 c1 Wieieieieieieieieieieieieirdo
You're story is awesome! Here I am... I could be making plans... But your story is so pulling, I can't get off my lazy @ss! XD XD XD
9/2/2010 c10 Thalico 4 ever
awwwww that stinks that u cant finish !
8/18/2010 c8 1demigod girls
I went to greece this summer, and the exchange rate is 1 euro=1.33 dollars. ;)
8/5/2010 c10 dragon
hey dont worry i bet on day u will move out into ur own house and have internet :)
8/1/2010 c9 I love thalico and tratie DD
please write another chapter thanx
7/29/2010 c9 10Mindrider
I like the plot a lot but things seem to happen very very fast. Like, that part about the furies was only a paragraph long. I would suggest dragging them out a little longer with detail. And another thing about detail, describe the scenes and people. You described the money exchanger person but nobody else. And I think the son of Hephaestus should be a little more convincing when he's trying to get Annabeth to join his team. But I do like the plot and suggest that you continue.
7/29/2010 c1 kalzay

percy and annabeth atract a lot of attention i see

do i get a cookie and cupcake now?
7/29/2010 c9 I love thalico and tratie DD
it's fine but please write one soon
7/28/2010 c9 2ThaliaRules0501
please dont end it i love thailco and thalia u can tel by my pen name
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