Just In
for Spirited

9/1/2010 c2 8marylinevelyn
Ooh I wish we could have seen if Catrine could beat Robin at archery! It's too bad they don't ever intersect in our prologue (although the fact that they don't is kind of a given).

I love that Guy and Catrine immediately start playing whose life sucks the most.
8/31/2010 c1 marylinevelyn
So I've delved into the Catrine's childhood story. I love baby Robin! He's so arrogant and hilarious, 'betcha i hit it right in the middle'. And how he's like, about the Gisborne's, 'oh, they don't matter.' And I like that Guy said the stupid stupid girl thing just like her father.
7/13/2010 c4 Gemini
Uh-oh. Sea monster? Robin? Lol
7/3/2010 c3 Gemini
Nicely done
6/28/2010 c2 gemini
Glad you decided to do a story like this one...its going great so far!
6/20/2010 c1 forgettingapril
Nice start to the story...poor Catrine...
6/20/2010 c1 Florafauna
I just recently stumbled across your stories and they are fantastic! This first chapter was adorable to read!

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