Just In
for I Wonder What It's Like

8/24/2020 c9 Bluewarrior3
To quick. I understand tenten is dating neji and doesnt have time for hinata but she still saw hinata alone. Hinata forgave her to qucikly. How are you going to just start talking to her without feeling skeptical
2/12/2019 c33 Guest
*Cries in 2019*

anyway great story! I really do hope you come back
5/23/2018 c1 1Yuui7u7
Es realmente genial :3
4/5/2018 c33 Unfilteredqueen
This story is too good to be given up on, I hope you update soon
1/6/2017 c33 Guest
Please update! I love this pair and story so much and I need to know what happens next!
7/20/2016 c33 CrimOni96
I really wish u can update i love this story so much
2/1/2016 c6 9Miss Magpie
Bullet for my Valentine motherfucker !
12/18/2014 c33 breaker99
Awww its nice too see hinata get a backbone in this story but I'm sorry to see the pairing be seperated by gaara going back to suna for senior year. Now I'm really interested in how this will all end cause if I read correctly there are only a few chappters left :-)
8/24/2014 c6 Guest
Too many "she's". Try to change the words a little. Also, try writing it the way it could sound smooth... well, for future reference
6/26/2014 c33 2A Mechanism of the Dented Kind
If I am correct I read thus before. I am almost certain. I love this story. But certain aspects are being too unrealistic. For example I know hinata is a very forgiving person but her and sakura should never have became friends because those kind of things just dont happen in real life. But other than that I llove this story. I am sad to say but the way this story is seeming to head is into a tragedy. And I think it would be beautiful but I know I will cry. The tragedy seems fitting to the story though. Just don't Romeo and Juliet it please (where one kills them self then the other kills them self) please just no. I love ur writing style u give attention to detail but not extreme detail. make it feel more realistic because as humans when we survey a room we don't see every little detail and I have problems with writing too much detail. If u can't tell by my massive review.
With love to all great writers,
Jen Jen
6/23/2014 c33 5Veraozao
love it, kiss
6/20/2014 c33 misao97
Thank you for updating! I think the way you did this chapter was great! So feel free to do it either way! I'm glad you're back! I love all the drama in your story XD please update soon, gambatte!
1/13/2014 c32 misao97
I just started to read this and I really like it! I look forward to what happens next! I feel like Sakura is up to no good hmmm. And i kinda hope gaara leaves just to add some drama hehehe. Please update soon! Gambatte!
12/9/2013 c25 Guest
Loving the story so far. Sakura makes a really good bitch haha
12/9/2013 c17 Guest
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