Just In
for Gone

4/17/2011 c1 9ValaEnVash
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! *sad*
6/24/2010 c1 Dreamcatcher56
very moving - so much so that I wept.
6/24/2010 c1 Writingone
You're ideas are fantastic and the best bit was at the end with them sitting on the apple grass and how you concluded the story was lovely!There was one technical thing visiting Gallifrey but this is the world of fanfiction so anything can happen :D

Oh I loved the Tardis garden too!

For your first fic it was brill, and fab for early morning writing. Next time a bit more emotional depth would elevate your ideas even further and take you away from the narrative style at the beginning.

Looking forward to your next story :)
6/24/2010 c1 17The Lost and Found Box
Oh, that's so sad. I do like stories where Rose stays with the Doctor, although they usually come to that unavoidable end.

I caught a few spelling errors, so you may just want to go over it with a fine toothed comb. :)
6/24/2010 c1 37WishfulThinkin21
It was alright well more than alright but I think David not the Doctor-im forever 10/Rose- with my grandma and right now i'm like you can love elderly people why not me why not me ! :D

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