Just In
for Freaky Flyday

8/27/2018 c2 Zhu li
Live it. Pls more. Maybe next chap a little rated m
6/18/2012 c2 4readingisdabest
Omg! Now Iggy and Gazzy, I wonder how Gazzy is gonna cope with being blind for a day, I wonder what it would be like if max and gang switched bodiess, hmmm, I bet something funny and extremely awkward will happen
1/31/2011 c2 6Author in my Heart
ha ha
1/18/2011 c2 1Lollie-LolliePop
It was really good, but kind of short... I like how they both scream at the same time.
1/16/2011 c2 4Mrs.FangBelikovIvashkovWayland
I think you should do Max and Fang
12/16/2010 c1 Gingelover253
I'm sorry you don't like my stories but they were the first one I ever wrote and I'm only 12 so I don't know how to do good puctuation and your reviews really hurt me. I was hoping someone would like my stories and I don't even know who Sue is.
10/3/2010 c1 3Aurora-Royale
Interesting... I really like it! Maximum Ride is another one of my favorites (besides the Hunger Games).
9/12/2010 c1 BookAddictForLife
Sorry, not logged in, but I love this! It's so funny! Next should totally be Fang and Nudge. I can't even begin to imagine what that would be like. Update soon, please!
8/7/2010 c1 1Lollie-LolliePop
O. MY. GAWD. This is by far my favorite story. I don't know why, I just REALLY like it. I think you should do Nudge and Fang, since Nudge was strangely silent in this story.
6/30/2010 c2 Reignbeau
awwwwwwwwwww. :( well have fun where ever it is that you're going!

luv reignbeau
6/30/2010 c1 5Immortal42
I vote Nudge and Fang!
6/29/2010 c1 14Bookworm290
well, i think i'd like to see nudge and fang...but max/fang would be hilarious!
6/25/2010 c1 bbrodriguez

I think Fang and Total should switch places that would be funny!
6/25/2010 c1 aaw102
This was good. It had nice humor. I missed Nudge though. Anyway...looking forward to more. And I vote for a swap between Fang and Nudge. lol! That ought to be interesting.
6/25/2010 c1 bellandraa
oohh definitly nudge and iggy!

makes me laugh just thinking about it!

although i noticed nudge was missing in this chapter?

anyways, update soon please, it was hilarious!

loveee bells
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