Just In
for Encounters

6/19/2016 c2 azure
2/22/2015 c1 madaluis25
why did you stop writing this? it's one of the best scorose fics i've seen!
4/26/2014 c2 RowlingHolic
why did you abadon this?
2/15/2014 c1 Demonscall
Rereading this after 4 years and I still love it!
8/3/2013 c1 2ForgottenStories
I know it's been a while, but your story is really great!

I would like it very much to know how this would end :)
1/31/2012 c2 gracie
good chapter. glad you decided to continue it.

and if you're looking for a steamy yet tasteful love scene between Rose ans Scorpius might I suggest reading Stop by Ozma333. ^_^
1/8/2012 c2 25carleesimotherofcats
really good! i think your good at doing the steamy scenes:) Please update SOON! :)
1/7/2012 c2 2ForgottenStories
Very good story!

please update :D
1/2/2012 c2 peacock33
Well, it's interesting to see a history and reason for their mutual disdain, and I am enjoying your story so far. But I have to say that Scorpius is a disgusting womanizer, and I hope that Rose doesn't let him treat her with as much disrespect as he does all those other women. I can see why he would be hurt with her freaking out after they have sex, but it does seem pretty justified given his behavior with other women. I hope she doesn't fall for him until he stops being a manwhore as that is totally unattractive. I am interested to see how their relationship develops.
12/1/2011 c2 9xiLynnx
You can't just leave us hanging at the beginning! There has to be a middle and an end. Please. :)
10/25/2011 c2 CaNdIe CaNe
Okay so now I need to know what happed after his birthday! I am thinking a chapter 3? ;) I NEED to know!
10/12/2011 c1 wiccaantje xxx
Please more?
9/26/2011 c2 minikins99
Really good story, with well set out character histories and interactions. Absolutely love it. Any chance of more chapters?
9/13/2011 c2 fhsgouurwhfsjkv235
First of all, thank you for just admitting up front that you might never update again. Most authors give a wishy-washy "I'll do my best!" or whatever.

Second of all, you mentioned in an author's note that you don't feel like you're good at putting naughtiness on paper. I think that's actually a good thing because A.) nobody under the age of twenty is actually going to have elegant, glorious sex anyways, and B.) Your story doesn't have to be about sex. I like that it seems a lot of the time that the story is about the ramifications of sex, rather than the act its self.

9/12/2011 c2 17armsoftheocean
jasdkjas I love it! Update soon :)
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