Just In
for I Guess We Never Grow Up Not Really

3/16/2012 c2
Just wanted to let you know that I adore this. I hope you get inspiration to write more for it, even if it has been years.
8/13/2010 c1 LotsoHuggerGirl
In answer to your question, yes, I bawled like crazy both times I saw it. (One of those times was at midnight, on June 17/18, in a Jessie costume) Can't wait to read more!
8/9/2010 c2 kettlebetterjim
Aww, this is so sweet! Can't wait to read more :)
8/5/2010 c2 GirlyGamer1986
i love this story and i hope you add more soon
7/3/2010 c2 7StarAngel531
love it you have to update soon can't wait to read what happens next.
6/30/2010 c2 Joe
Nice, this is the first really good toy story- story i've ever found. keep going.
6/29/2010 c2 Atwight Eks
I'm really liking this story, can't wait to see where you go with it.
6/28/2010 c2 3Alana-kittychan
haha cute You know it would be funny if the Toy's owners where to see the come to life without the toys knowing lol
6/28/2010 c2 5iHamster
6/28/2010 c1 3Alana-kittychan
Aw I know what you mean If I was in Andy's shoes I wounld be able to get red of any of my childhood toys I still have some of them around my room they hang around the bed and my Desk lol
6/28/2010 c2 2Dyesebel
Very interesting. I'd like to read moar xD
6/27/2010 c2 abandonedaccount123456790000
awwwww so sweet! How ironic is it that Andy would meet this Sarah girl with his Bo Peep? haha. Its kind of like Andy is a real life Woody and Sarah's a real like Bo... hehe. :D

Update soon please!

6/27/2010 c1 abandonedaccount123456790000
This idea is really creative and I'm curious as to what you'll do with it! :D

6/27/2010 c2 23LostLoveIsDead
I LOVE THISSS! I can't wait for more. GREAT work! :D
6/27/2010 c2 yhomuffy
Aww, that so cute! Woody abd Bo are back together! I also like how you gave Andy a little romance in his life! = )

Keep updating, please!
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