Just In
for Say It Again

9/11/2013 c7 1gaby47
Please update! This is such a great story! Cant wait for the update
6/20/2013 c7 Anonymous
Okay, so not fair to leave it here. I loved every part of this story and felt that your characterizations were amazing. The plot line is superb. I am so happy I clicked on this work! I hope you can update soon, since I really did love it!
6/8/2013 c7 12unknownre
this was really good! I love it! :)
10/8/2012 c7 5snowwygirl4
This is awesome so can you do this girl a favor and update this story! It is so awesome and I love it and yes I really did find this so long after the date you posted it which you know I don't care about because no matter what it is awesome and amazing and I am glad I have read it. So now do your job and update this because I want to know what happens with Smitchie. So please do because there are probably many others who want you to update it as well. Okay I am done, update soon! :)
8/28/2012 c7 cmtaylor531
I was really digging this story. I hope you still plan to finish it one day.
12/13/2011 c7 1SarahLouise122
this story is so good please UD soon
9/18/2011 c7 4ChiefBandit
Love it! Continue!
8/5/2011 c7 JazXoXo
Ooooh I love it so far hope you update soon
4/25/2011 c7 2socks900
Wow... that was an awesome chapter! Update please!
4/5/2011 c7 mermaidgirl1018
This is so good! I really hope that mitchie and Shane get together for real soon! Please update!
2/21/2011 c7 2xLove-Me-Rockstarx
That was really good! :)

I can't wait for the drama next chapter.

Hope you can update soon.
2/13/2011 c7 Ellie
Wow, I'm loving this story more and more! Shane and Mitchie are just too cute together and I really like how you're not rushing into the whole falling-in-love-with-each-other thing. The timing is good. And, I really like how the story's in second person. I'm not used to it, but I think it makes the story so much more interesting and personal :)

Update soon please!
2/12/2011 c7 xWinniePoohx
I am rendered speechless. Such a great chapter! Haha, this has no relevance whatsoever.. But I think I'm your 69th reviewer.. Do you get it? =P If you don't, it's something to do with the 69.. LOL.. Anyway.. Shane and Mitchie are uber cute! They should get together soon :3 like get together in real life :) I really love how Shane and Mitchie have that kind of connection where Shane knows just when to speak, just when to listen, and just when to do anything. And the fact that Shane is letting Mitchie do things that he wouldn't let even his best friends do like stay over at his place and play Caitlyn :) LOVED the clap on and off lights.. I want them.. they seem so cool :) I wonder if I've said this yet... but I LOVE Lilo and Stitch :3, Stitch is so adorable :) Heheh, and I love the car revving thing.. haha, it was hilarious =P ROFL, and having twenty guitars named after Shane, and then him saying only six was a great part :D Haha, I laughed too when I read the part where Shane named a guitar after Tess, then threw it out the window and Jason ran over it with his car xDD And loved the song Believe in me :) One of my favourite Demi Lovato songs :D "He's afraid we'll kill his cat" is proabably my favourite line. And I agree with Peggy and Ella, they would DEFO be cute xDDD I'm guessing that Dana will have like a small talk kinda thing with Mitchie soon? OMGAH! SHANE CALLED MITCHIE HIS GIRLFRIEND! Haha, I think I may have squealed at that part XDDD Love how protective he sounds! Haha, the reference to California Gurls was great. THe tabloids were mean.. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT SONG YOU CHOOSE FOR THE SONG WRITING! :D Oh my God.. is it This is Me? Lol, this review must've been boring for you to read if you read through the entire thing.. re-reading over it.. it just looks like a recount of the whole story with random Haha's, emoticons and the word love..Anywayyyyy.. Can't wait for next chapter! Update soon! :D
2/7/2011 c7 Rina
Ahhh! That was so good!

I absolutely adore the relationship forming between Shane and Mitchie; it's really cute, but also so real.

Haha, and I loved Sonny and Tawni cameo. :)

Awesome job!
2/6/2011 c7 amber
i love ur story.. i really do .. but why dont do the the story in mitchies point of view .. or third person point of view because is a little weird reading it like this... im sure that would help many people understand better ur story... ur story is the best
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