Just In
for Are You My Master?

8/2/2011 c1 17Kosaten no Kokinatsuyosa
I'm very glad I've found this gem of a fic in amongst the hordes of moronic crackfics that seem to permeate everything Mewtwo related. In fact, all of seems to be like that now. Have people just plain forgotten how to write? Anyways, enough of my ranting: awesome fic grabbed my attention despite the fact that I know next to nothing about the Pokemon manga, UPDATE SOON , GOOD WRITER!
6/28/2010 c1 16Zokolov
Pokémon Adventures? Excellent, always good to have a fic based on that. It's really the only Pokémon manga worth reading, everything else is just... yeah.

As for the story, it looks like it's going to be a really interesting one. The prose is excellent, I am really envious. It's just detailed enough, but doesn't slip into purple prose. And Mewtwo's inner monologues as well as dialogue with Mew is very well written, and it also avoids needless melodrama and has nice little humor parts in there as well.

However... I'm all for bending the story for artistic purposes, but legendary Pokémon don't have genders, don't they? And yet Mew is referred to as a female... then again, it is from Mewtwo's point of view.

The style in general is a nice break from conventional fics anyway. This place is full of either shippingfics or action/adventure-stories, so it's nice to have a change of pace. Do update before the whole fandom plunges into an abyss or something.

- Zokolov

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