Just In
for Love the way You Lie

5/10/2014 c3 hama431
4/10/2013 c3 1xXxLOVEANIMExXx
please update more_
11/11/2012 c3 2Gal Can't Help It
Interesting read. If this is any insight of what an actual abusive relationship is like, then thank you for the heads up to your readers so we can be sure to avoid similarly obsessive freaks in future. See? You've turned a fan fiction into an educational experience.
I always figure Sasuke to be emotionally challenged, but to be abusive is a whole other category. Though I do want Sakura to throw a brick at his head. Out of her deep-seated love for him, of course.
2/24/2012 c3 626desire
Fuk naw homie u cant stop here,right when its getting good.I luv this story,I aspecially luved how made sasuke
7/22/2011 c3 7Sibrael
It'll be interesting to see where this goes.
6/14/2011 c3 5Boyfriend Tees and Honey Bees
What is she doing! I hope this ends well!
5/11/2011 c3 1LittlePunkSasuke
love it...i hope you will write the next part soon!
4/13/2011 c3 ShikaTema3
like... wooooww! mega mega woww! another chapter? ^^ i want more! ^^ ahahaha. lol. xxxxxxxxxxx good luck! 3 3 3 3
4/7/2011 c3 livelaughlovepen27
i loved it. yes sasuke was a pshycopath i still loved.
4/5/2011 c3 1someonelikeyouu
awesome chapter, hopw i dont have to wait too long for the next one, please keep them coming 333
4/4/2011 c3 heckyeah-sasusaku-sorato
Damn it this story is driving me crazy. I feel sorry for Sasuke but damn he's a complete psycho. I'd be scared if I faced him '-'
4/3/2011 c3 1goddess-ish
I love it! :)

Please update soon!
4/1/2011 c3 Haruka Kohaku
Well that was short but thanks for the update i hope you update soon
3/31/2011 c3 AkaEyes
Its been so long since you updated this, I almost thought it was gonna be discontinued.

The chapter was good, though! Please try to update when you can! :)
12/30/2010 c2 1CaramelNmfBuddy
i love the story i jst hate inoxshika

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