1/27/2022 c15
awe man sorry ya had personal trobles but if you ever get a chance please finish this story ya left us hanging and its a really good story please finish it

awe man sorry ya had personal trobles but if you ever get a chance please finish this story ya left us hanging and its a really good story please finish it
8/8/2016 c15
Just getting to the really good part and nothing more. Oh well. Good while it lasted.

Just getting to the really good part and nothing more. Oh well. Good while it lasted.
8/21/2015 c15
Oh so she is only banging Shaw so she she can get evidence on him. That makes it so much better. I'm actually rooting for Chuck to wise up and get back together with Jill. Too bad we'll never know. Your a great writer by the way, just didn't like Sarah here.

Oh so she is only banging Shaw so she she can get evidence on him. That makes it so much better. I'm actually rooting for Chuck to wise up and get back together with Jill. Too bad we'll never know. Your a great writer by the way, just didn't like Sarah here.
8/21/2015 c12 knightrid3r
To be honest in my opinion Sarah deserves Shaw in this story. Chuck should just move on. Bryce was obviously the love of her life in this story so he will always be second anyway, and she is choosing a guy she has gone on a few dates with over her friend who's always been there for her. Chuck deserves much better.
To be honest in my opinion Sarah deserves Shaw in this story. Chuck should just move on. Bryce was obviously the love of her life in this story so he will always be second anyway, and she is choosing a guy she has gone on a few dates with over her friend who's always been there for her. Chuck deserves much better.
1/24/2014 c15
Ok right this is the first time I'm reading this story. N I just have to say this is pure perfection!
But I can also see that the last time it was updated was in 2011
Please you gotta update this. U just have to! I think everyone needs to know what's gona hppn next! N u left us with such a cliffhanger golly geee!
Please think about updating soon. Pretty please. For the good of the chuck fanbase...

Ok right this is the first time I'm reading this story. N I just have to say this is pure perfection!
But I can also see that the last time it was updated was in 2011
Please you gotta update this. U just have to! I think everyone needs to know what's gona hppn next! N u left us with such a cliffhanger golly geee!
Please think about updating soon. Pretty please. For the good of the chuck fanbase...
7/15/2013 c15 garnetflint
Really nice story developing here. Would really hope that you would be in a position to finish it one day. A great start deserves an ending!
Really nice story developing here. Would really hope that you would be in a position to finish it one day. A great start deserves an ending!
10/15/2012 c15
Please update this story! I know it has been awhile but it is really good!

Please update this story! I know it has been awhile but it is really good!
6/20/2012 c7 umpalumqa
Wait, what? Sarah begged Chuck to set her up with Shaw. Didn't see that coming lol.
Anyway, very interesting Story so far. I like it :)
Wait, what? Sarah begged Chuck to set her up with Shaw. Didn't see that coming lol.
Anyway, very interesting Story so far. I like it :)
5/1/2012 c15 helciakuras
Don't leave it hnging when it is getting to the pinnacle moment. Please. otherwise awesome story.
Don't leave it hnging when it is getting to the pinnacle moment. Please. otherwise awesome story.
8/6/2011 c15 lightthief
Please update soon! Good luck with those "personal matters" you have to take care of.
Please update soon! Good luck with those "personal matters" you have to take care of.
4/11/2011 c15 CCNinjaPants
I just read the whole story and really enjoyed it :D You're a brilliant writer! I hope you get you're personal stuff figured out! I hate that feeling when nothing seems to be right at all. No one deserves it.
I hope you feel much better soon! I enjoyed your story :D
I just read the whole story and really enjoyed it :D You're a brilliant writer! I hope you get you're personal stuff figured out! I hate that feeling when nothing seems to be right at all. No one deserves it.
I hope you feel much better soon! I enjoyed your story :D
2/21/2011 c15
Its been awhile since I have followed this fic. I was looking for something to read and when I remembered this I picked up where I left off. And I have to say I don't know how I ever stopped reading this fic. Im reading the next update the second its released. I can't wait to see chuck and Sarah together. I really hope chuck starts his own company and kicks Shaw's butt.

Its been awhile since I have followed this fic. I was looking for something to read and when I remembered this I picked up where I left off. And I have to say I don't know how I ever stopped reading this fic. Im reading the next update the second its released. I can't wait to see chuck and Sarah together. I really hope chuck starts his own company and kicks Shaw's butt.
1/31/2011 c15 NickyR
WOWSER! So I loved that chuck went over to sarah's even though he was drunk and I thought the dance was perfect! I also have to say that I loved the snooping chuck and it all made sense sarah's an informant.. dun dun dun...The only frustrating thing is that sarah cant tell chuck, so it just sucks b/c they want to be together but cant I hate that... arggggg for rules and regs... I am excited that morgan knows however and hopefully he can keep chuck positve! Thank you for the udpate :)
WOWSER! So I loved that chuck went over to sarah's even though he was drunk and I thought the dance was perfect! I also have to say that I loved the snooping chuck and it all made sense sarah's an informant.. dun dun dun...The only frustrating thing is that sarah cant tell chuck, so it just sucks b/c they want to be together but cant I hate that... arggggg for rules and regs... I am excited that morgan knows however and hopefully he can keep chuck positve! Thank you for the udpate :)
1/18/2011 c15
27Just Chuck
Sorry to hear that your taking a break, but understandable. Life happens.
Good luck and wish you all the best.

Sorry to hear that your taking a break, but understandable. Life happens.
Good luck and wish you all the best.