Just In
for The Rokudaime Hokage

2/17/2020 c2 Starlord Master
2/17/2020 c1 Starlord Master
2/18/2018 c2 hamsterville
Obviously abandoned story but ending was funny
5/23/2016 c2 Guest
...troll twofold, but Wes would definitely catch on the whole numbers thing. Even if it's in an interrupted explanation, it should be there.

It's trolling because I both don't give a fuck nor honestly expect anything to come of it.
4/13/2014 c2 7EmeraldStorm7
Things seem to be getting interesting! This is very well written and I love the interaction between the characters!
Great job
4/13/2014 c1 EmeraldStorm7
well written and I love the brotherly relationship already!
4/13/2014 c2 2LeonaMasha
Goodness, that was a great way to end the chapter! Well, glad to read what you managed to post.
8/26/2013 c2 134Princess of Miracles
Poor Xander. How is he going to deal with this.
4/6/2013 c1 6The Queen of Fairyland
Wow. Two of my favorite things put together. Words cannot describe how amazing this is.
9/12/2012 c2 22edboy4926
Good story
Please, please continue.
9/4/2011 c2 4jabbarulez
hahahaha! oh goody the next chapters gonna be interesting! xxander as the brother to kakashi? thats a new one. can't wait for more!

7/29/2011 c2 3wolfey141
you should so pair xander with anko lol
7/18/2011 c2 creativesm75
Oh boy. Two worlds collide. Hard...
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