Just In
for Sneaking Around Konoha

6/19/2021 c19 3Steve-Arkarian
Ummm, not to be a spoilsport but earlier in this story you stated that Harry kept absolutely no alcohol in his house except for wine that he used for cooking because of Teddy and that Teddy didn't even like the wine. You were seeming to try and make it perfectly clear that no alcohol would be allowed in the house and that's why Harry went to the bar. Yet now he supposedly is fully stocked on alcohol? What?
5/14/2021 c39 3Clyden
I really love this, it was he best fanfic crossover I've read. thank you for this. harry was most lovely, and kakashi was just amazing
5/5/2021 c39 Fox o Snow
Woooo! Clap clap clap. What a fun journey! Thank you for it <3
4/11/2021 c27 3Aurysadik
I don't know if I misunderstood something, but didn't Teddy take a flat by himself so that he doesn't have to be embarrased when he takes lovers at home ? Then why all this story about him having sex for the first time on a mission and not knowing whether he prefers women or men ?
3/28/2021 c39 14Beth9891
Awww amazing story. So glad you finished it! Thanks for sharing
3/21/2021 c39 2fmoura98
Thank you for this story, I really enjoyed it. :)

Loved the relationships and the character development. I particularly like stories that show the gritty, dark side of shinobi life but manage to keep the story light.
Thank you for finishing it!
3/6/2021 c39 Mushishixxxholic
Love it
3/4/2021 c39 5Lunary
I would love to read more even if this one at the end.
Don't know maybe like them adopting a child.
I mean Harry and Kakashi.

I guess a scene where both Kushina and Minato together with Lilly, James and Sirius in the afterlife could take a look / peak at the guys would have been interesting as well.

I loved reading this story.
A job well done.

2/19/2021 c23 1Vanum
I talked too soon xd
2/19/2021 c23 Vanum
How can Kakashi speak english?
2/2/2021 c39 6YaoiHellian
I loved this, any sort of deep dive into the actual meat and potatoes of shinobi life and all the trials and tribulations that deals with being the boy wonder is a recipe for an amazing read in my book. Really enjoyed the ups and downs of this story. Thanks for posting it.
1/29/2021 c39 Eluvia Umbra
Loved it~!
1/26/2021 c39 Silverdragonstar
Aww so good! Thank you for a nice ending.
1/25/2021 c3 IJustWannaReadEpicStories
wow okay, so now it's been a year since they had sex? It was not mentionednbefore that we had a Major timeskip it feels like only a few days ago.
1/25/2021 c2 IJustWannaReadEpicStories
ahh another fanfiction where everyone is gay. sexual fantasies of the author who h is proven by the cringy sex scene.
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