Just In
for Sneaking Around Konoha

1/12/2021 c39 tayleah
Seriously is that the end? Can't there be more? I loved the story and have followed from the beginning. Can't wait for the next story.
1/11/2021 c39 5Pozrah
Thank you for this amazing story!
1/10/2021 c39 Aris Krem
Thank you for giving us a wonderful story to read ️
1/7/2021 c39 Asdf
Amazing story.
1/8/2021 c39 1cerezo.dulce11
Muy lindo el final, me gustó de principio a fin, no comenté casi nunca pero tengo que decir que la trama de verdad fue atractiva e interesante, no me aburri y disfrute de todo en ella.
1/6/2021 c39 Guest
Thank you for everything!
1/8/2021 c39 1Sakihinata
A great story ;)
1/8/2021 c39 10Fabianadat
Adorei a história. A trama foi bem desenvolvida e fluiu bem em torno dos personagens.
1/7/2021 c39 Shadow Eclipse
Loved it
1/7/2021 c39 Selenity84
Loved the story!
1/7/2021 c39 7Kyurengo
1/6/2021 c39 iREQUiREM0REYA0i
Congratulations! That was a journey and I'm so happy with all the effort and hard work you've put in :)

Hope to see more of your work in the future~
1/6/2021 c39 angellovesfanfiction
It was a wonderful story. I absolutely adored it. Thank you for writing it. It made my day after seeing notification for update. If you wanna write a sequel or shorts for it...I will be all up for it. Please post a update here if you do so.
1/6/2021 c39 4DragonFoxx
Great story. Great ending. Thank you for sharing your story.
1/6/2021 c39 3Foxy-Floof
Sweet, Fluffy, Goodness!

/ It fuels my SOUL.
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