Just In
for Portus

7/21 c1 Arctic Wolf Fury
Funny, original and interesting
6/24 c1 Araxan
Very original, thank you for your story.
1/30 c1 majere4
Simply Fantastic.
1/16 c1 Sleepyhawk502
I absolutely loved this story! This is one of the few time i have read a one shot and was upset there was no more. Well done!
10/3/2023 c1 HeartsGlow
cute story
9/30/2023 c1 1JayMJane
very unusual. thanks for posting. please consider making it a multi chapter one
9/25/2023 c1 HoneyBear84
Love it lol
8/31/2023 c1 Guest
This is so original, I love it!
9/7/2022 c1 3TouchMyKeyboard
That has to be the best one-shot I've read, thank you for making it.
8/21/2022 c1 FriendlyFire59
Okay, that was an interesting short story, weird as f*, but interesting. And yeah, I think I'd try and kick who ever it was that came up with that dimensions ass too.
5/3/2022 c1 keht.jelicho
this was absolutely fascinating
2/15/2022 c1 deschiffchiff
Well done, thanks.
10/9/2021 c1 Resurrection99
Holy shit that was good
4/29/2021 c1 bkerrmom1
Brilliant story ! I would love to see how everyone reacts follow up!
4/28/2021 c1 BlazeStryker
Why do I see this as making all the Balanced into nascent Planeswalkers as defined by Magic: the Gathering?
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