Just In
for Portus

11/3/2010 c1 1Snow-owl01
I love your story. It's so funny. Awww, Voldie wants some hair, in the mean time, he could always wear a toque. Hint to Death Eaters, now you know what he wants for Christmas.

Keep up the good work.
11/2/2010 c1 1nxkris
great story, i love it. you should eventually do a small sequel, maybe harry finding amy in her own universe and then they grab voldemort and go after the designer of that universe or something. i have to say it was nice reading an ending without harry using all his new power to destroy voldemort, but instead force him to go through the same experience making the guy decide to quite his little war.
10/27/2010 c1 Kaoru Sayuri Kamiya
Je me suis vraiment trop marrée à la toute fin avec Voldemort ! De l'imaginer avoir ce genre de "discussion", déjà qu'il n'est pas du genre à discuter bien tranquillement ! Loll ! Et Harry est trop cool ! En ce qui concerne ses capacités, il a toujours au moins été assez impressionnant alors... Pour Amy, elle se débrouille vachement bien étant donné les circonstances, elle est rest.e somme toute assez positive !

J'ai bien aimé cet OS !

Désolée de e pas avoir lu plus tôt !
10/16/2010 c1 Reaper16619
Lol nice story. Kinda trippy but I like trippy. Ohh it would of been awesome if u hadda done one with dumbules and tom
10/5/2010 c1 20Meteoricshipyards
Very interesting. Too bad he couldn't bring Amy back, but I assume at her death, she returned to her own world.

Loved the ending and Harry's and Tom's conversation.

Thanks for the story.

Tom A.
9/29/2010 c1 10CrimsonNoble
This was really fun. It may not have explained anything, ever, but it was easy to read and pretty awesome. It was also a strangely satisfying way of dealing with Voldemort. Well played good sir, well played.
9/19/2010 c1 Nights Silhouette
An intresting idea, keep it up.
9/19/2010 c1 4Garnet Avi
That was interesting. A bit strange, but very different. Thanks for sharing.
9/11/2010 c1 unique0987654321
This has to be the most original story I have ever read! I loved it, it's something that make you think great job!
9/11/2010 c1 Cassandra30
Most excellent!
9/7/2010 c1 IfHogwartsWasHeaven
I LOVED this story, well written and thought-out, original and completely realistic, no made up crap about Harry going to a parrallel universe and becoming all powerful (and i admit at first I though this would be one of 'those' fics) and that it was realistic in its approach to death, it wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it just was

All in all, an amazing fic!
9/3/2010 c1 LoveLoveLove XD
Loved it, really awesome, super original. Also loved the RuneMaster. You write really well and have an afinity for plot, lol. Love!Love!Love! the ending - LV and HP just chatting...would love to see this transformed into a chaptered. :)
8/27/2010 c1 2FF-StayGold
Whoa. I just clicked review and it seems I didn't review this story yet. Anyways, I really loved it. It was so awesome. Seriously. :D
8/21/2010 c1 2PiecesOfSerendipity
I just randomly clicked on this story expecting it to be rubbish, and it turned out to be brilliant, I'm feeling very lucky.

I love this and it's now one of my favourite stories. It's very original and I didn't expect the ending at all. I hope you do a sequel one-shot about how he handles returning. Actually, on second thoughts, you probably shouldn't. The end was pretty complete and I don't like it when authors drag it on. :P

Another thing I liked is how you made a powerful Harry without over-doing it. And how you don't romanticize it by having him fall in love with Amy.
8/20/2010 c1 Phantom Wolf Of The Shadows
this was a really good story it had an interesting concept that i thoroughly enjoyed
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